Rich Man's Essay: 12

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"Oh..." Chuezhou was very obedient, rubbed her eyes and sat up.   

Being helped to get dressed by his righteous brother, who was only a few years older than him, Jue Zhou had been used to it since he was a cub.   

It's JUST THAT HE WAS STILL VERY ASHAMED. He took ADVANTAGE of Jiang Henian to turn around, straightened HIS legs IN the quilt, clenched HIS fists and lightly beat HIS FOREHEAD.   

The early death of his parents made Jiang Hernian more mature than others since he was a child, and Juezhou was a spoiled one both in the small world and outside the small world.   

In the past, when the two of them slept together, Juezhou had to stay in bed every day, squishy in the quilt and coquettish with small milk sounds.

Jiang Henian urged him to give up after a few times, and when his hands were warm, he stretched into the quilt to help Chuezhou change clothes.   

Chuezhou slept to death, and couldn't wake up after being tossed like this. When he woke up, he had already been hugged by Jiang Henian and walked to the sink, and the toothpaste was ready.   

Chuezhou: ... I'm really embarrassed to recall.   

Therefore, even if he is a great demon king who is well-known for his bad temper in the dandyish circle, he is still a righteous brother who needs to be taken care of in front of Jiang Helian.   

Later, the two of them got older, and when they separated, they happened to be in time for Jiang He's most stressful period for further studies.

Chuezhou was very happy that he could sneak around and do bad things by himself, but on the first day the former got a separate bedroom, he locked himself in the room and didn't eat all day.   

"It turns out that Jiang Henian will also have adolescence. "The dudes in the circle at that time sighed after hearing this.     

During breakfast, Jiang Helian got news that he was going to the next galaxy on a business trip temporarily.   

"Ok! "Jue Zhou bit the spoon and said vaguely.   

It's just a pity that Jiang Henian can't continue to cook for himself.   

Jiang Helian: "Don't go to that child named Xie while I'm away. "   

"Promise! "Jue Zhou hurriedly released his mobile phone.

On the chat interface, Jue Zhou was sending Xie Wenchen a new day of nasty harassment messages.   

The system announced a new task at this time: [Promote the original plot, live in the protagonist's home for a full week, and bully the protagonist in front of the protagonist. Mission reward: 100 bullying value. 】   

After listening to the mission description, Chuezhou was so scared that she almost swallowed the spoon.   


Chuezhou was shocked,

[This is for me to die. 】   

The system pissed off the egged host,

[Come on, you did this in the original work, which greatly catalyzed the relationship between the protagonist's attack and reception. 】   

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