Rich Man's Essay: 24

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Chuezhou's lips trembled pitifully, her voice stained with crying, and she let out a soft “oh”.

He almost made a gaffe in public, and Jue Zhou later realized that his current posture was very indecent, as if he wanted to do something bad to Xie Wenchen in full view of the public.   

Fortunately, Xie Wenchen was very polite and didn't think much about it. Chuezhou sighed thankfully.   

Thinking about what happened just now, Chuezhou herself thought she looked like a pervert.   

He raised his palm and fanned his face, dissipating some heat.   

“I am a serious person, so you will use less hands and feet in the future. "
Chuezhou said solemnly.   

If he looked in the mirror now, he would never say such a thing.  

After Xie Wenchen stared at him for a few seconds, his nerves were overexcited, his colorful facial features showed, and he said “huh" softly.   

The stimulus that fell on the palm of one's hand disappeared, and the strangeness in other places was particularly obvious.

Chuezhou buried her face on the table, her ears red as if she had been sucked.   

It was too, too shameful, and Jue Zhou had to wait at least half an hour to recover.   

Xie Wenchen thought he was still going to sleep, so he took the initiative to hand out his arm.   

Chuezhou was also welcome, and took the initiative to lean on it.   Chuezhou didn't sleep as well this time as last time, and his dreams were very broken.   

As soon as the teacher called his name, he woke up.   

The teacher who taught knew from Jue Zhou's tutor that Jue Zhou was coming to class today.

He glanced around the classroom, ignoring the surprised glances of other students, and fell on Jue Zhou who stood up in the last row.   

Chuezhou pulled off his mask and stared blankly at the screen.   There are a lot of words in this question, and only the second half of the question is displayed on the screen.

Jue Zhou has done similar question types, and he usually can answer them without thinking about it, but he doesn't even know what the question is now.   

Chuezhou, who had slept for half a lesson, was very guilty when she noticed the teacher's trusting gaze.   

Xie Wenchen tapped lightly on the desktop and wrote a few words on the paper.   

Chuezhou read it out hesitatingly according to the words he had written.   

“Good! It deserves to be Gu Juezhou's classmate! ”
The young teacher praised with a smile.   

Chuezhou breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in the chair.   

After class, Jue Zhou asked Xie Wenchen, “How do you know the answer to that question?" ”   

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