Rich Man's Essay: 27

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  [Didn't it say that desensitization treatment can help slow down my symptoms? 】

Chuezhou sucked her nose.   

He seemed to be influenced by Zhou Shenyu.   

But it was more like Zhou Shenyu was tamed by him.   

Even if he lived in Zhou Shenyu's house before, Jue Zhou didn't have much contact time with Zhou Shenyu.

Now that I am sticking to it day and night, it is clear that Zhou Shenyu is getting more and more wrong.   

Zhou Shenyu's dark circles became thicker and thicker, and when he went to bed in the middle of the night, he had to press Jue Zhou into his arms.   

…... Even when Chuezhou does some necessary activities for the human body, he has to help forcibly from the side.   

Chuezhou gradually got used to it from the shame to cursing at the beginning, and finally.   

When the seven-day mission was about to end and Xie Wenchen was about to come to pick up Jue Zhou and leave, Jue Zhou received a message-Jiang Henian was back.   

Mr. Diplomat had just returned from a planet hundreds of millions of light-years away.

As soon as he got off the spacecraft, he made a video call to his righteous brother and asked him where he had gone.   

Jiang Henian on the video call was full of dust, standing on the street where people came and went: "When will you be back?" ”   

The system reminded him that there are only five minutes left and the seven-day task will be completed.   

“I'll be back soon. "Jue Zhou was habitually coquettish, and after perfunctorily passing this matter, he suddenly found that Jiang Henian's eyes were not right when he looked at him.   

The young diplomat's expression was cold, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his pale lips curled into a straight line.   

“What's the matter? "
Juezhou clicked on the screen, thinking that Jiang Henian's signal was not good.   

His eyebrows and eyes were full of satisfaction that could not be concealed, and his earlobes were still warm and soft red.   

Where the camera couldn't take pictures, Zhou Shenyu was leaning on the sofa, massaging his calf that hadn't moved for a long time.   

“It's okay. "Jiang Henian looked away, and after hurriedly explaining a few words, hung up the video call.   

Before hanging up the phone, Jiang Henian added: “I heard that you and Zhou Shenyu have been close recently, so stay away from him. ”   

…...This is the first time Jiang He Nian has spoken ill of people behind his back.   

Chuezhou didn't react for a while, and blinked.   

There was a busy sound when the video call hung up, and Zhou Shenyu asked with a smile, “Do you want to stay away from me?" ”   

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