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Hey LoBeLy ReAdErS, thankyou so much for 7.4k views. Thankyou for showering your precious love and time on this not so good book. 

Also it was so difficult to write previous chapter as it was from Karan's P.O.V. Usually I write my chapters from Y/n or 3rd Person's P.O.V but this time it wasn't the case. Yet I feel it didn't turn out that bad and I can find myself being better at it. Anyways.. enough of self-praise. Again tysm, lysm🥺💜



As we continued bickering, we heard some commotion and it sounded familiar. We got up and saw..


Y/n P.O.V

Yoongi: Where is she? Where is my sister?

Jin: Yah!! Why didn't you people send her to the hospital first??? She needs to be treated first, why did you bring her here? Is she badly injured? Is she too scared? Did someone do something to her? I am gonna beat their ass up. Officer take me to my baby sister.

He said everything in one go making whole police station go silent. Everyone looked at him amazed by his skills. Some people wondered if there was some audition for rapping and singing going on. But to their dismay there were no judges and camera. 

Karan: Didn't I say you are your definitely siblings??

He said wide eyed. I just chuckled. It's true though.

Mom: Jin.. calm down. I am sure Y/n wouldn't be hurt badly. I know my daughter. I am rather scared for people who dared to tease her.

She said with nervousness yet angry. Yeah my mom knows me too well.

Officer: Wait a second!! Mr. Kim what brings you here? Can I know who tried to rob you? Or did someone eve tease your wife? Omg Should I call the Commissioner?

He said being all worked. After all, Korea's richest C.E.O is standing right in front of him. How would he miss the chance of being in his good looks.

"Like I thought, 'let's see who will drop the attitude once my family comes.'" I smirked internally at my own thoughts.

Mr. Kim: Uhm!! No officer. Thanks for the concern. But actually we were called because apparently, my daughter was arrested for being involved in a fight.

Officer: Your daughter?

Yoongi: Yes, Kim Y/n.

He said proudly.

Y/n: My dear brother is so proud of me.

I said wiping my fake tears and Karan was just so done with me.

Officer: Kim Y/n. Yah!!!!*shouts* Bring her out officer.

He said hurriedly and rushed towards our detention cell. Before the officer could open the lock, he snatched the keys from his hands and opened the door for us.

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