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Not even my teachers in online classes irritate me to the point where I want to throw my phone away, while using Wattpad mobile app for a single day has irritated me🙂🔪


"Previously on Stepbrothers"

After entering the college campus, I could feel someone following me. But every time I would turn back, no one would be there. The spy is too smart. It carried on till lunch break. As I was going towards the cafeteria, a hand pulled me inside a classroom.


Y/n P.O.V

I looked up to see him again, smirking. Now what would he expect me to do, get scared of him. I did quite the opposite. I smirked. Why let him have his way?

Y/n: So here to get your ass beaten again?

One thing I learned  over years is never show your enemy your weakness. Even if you are scared, never let them know. Put a facade and act brave. No one will give a damn about your fears, they will simply use it. But your courage and boldness will scare them.

This is what happened here. He thought he could scare me like this. Even though he did but looking at my casualness, his smirk fell. Hah!! Bingo.

Dong-hyun: Aren't you scared of me, princess?? Hmm.. don't you think I can ruin you?

He said caressing my pretty face with his dirty thumbs.

Y/n: Didn't I warn you not to touch me? Also.. how will a dumb wit like you scare me huh?

I said pushing his hands away from my face with a glare. He chuckled.

Dong-hyun: You didn't lie when you said you've changed. Look at you being so brave and also hot.

He said amused. I simply rolled my eyes. I can't hold up the act anymore now.

Y/n: Btw, why did you change your name? Did your perhaps felt ashamed of your deeds that you changed your entire identity? 

I chuckled. He smirked and said.

Dong-hyun: You know, that Lee Jong-suk bastard did dirty to me. I had to do something to survive. So..

He shrugged. And pulled me by my waist. 

Y/n: Why can't you keep your hands to yourself?

I said as I jerked his hands away but he both of my hands with one hand and tightened the grip with other.

Dong-hyun: Now tell me.. how did this happen hmm..?? How did you become this fearless? Did your little brothers help you out? Did they do what I couldn't?

He said smirking. I kept my blank look and glared at him trying to free my hands.

Y/n: Don't you dare speak bullshit about my brothers from this rotten mouth of yours. I won't hesitate before pulling that disgusting tongue of yours, mf.

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