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It had been an exceptionally long day and Susato was exhausted, but hope was surging back up within her.

She had chosen to wear the English-style dress Iris had made for her and a fine hat to match, and had greeted her father and Judge Jigoku at the Waterloo hotel that afternoon. The conversation had been painful and difficult. It turned out that Yujin and Jigoku both knew Kazuma was alive, but had no idea where he had disappeared to. They were both shocked to discover he had made his way to England.

Both men confessed to knowing about Genshin's execution as well—they had even attended the trial and fought for Genshin's innocence on the witness stand. Burdened by this knowledge and unsure of what to feel, Susato forced herself to smile for the picture they took together to commemorate their safe arrival in London. And then she eagerly hastened away from the conversation after that, needing time to think.

Troubled by all of this, Susato and Ryunosuke busied themselves with investigating into the matter—as painful as it was for Susato—and even attempted to contact the Warden from Barclay Prison, where Genshin had been incarcerated.

Then, just as they got home around 6pm, a woman showed up at the door: Evie Vigil. She was looking for her husband. He had gone missing only a day ago and was purportedly a warder at Barclay Prison. While the case was meant for Sholmes, this fact alone made both Susato and Ryunosuke interested in participating in the investigation.

Evie Vigil had just left and Susato was just preparing to depart for her meeting with Barok when Gina burst into Baker Street.

"Sholmes! Drop everyfin' Sholmes! This is more important!" Gina shouted.

"Gina?" Ryunosuke said.

"I—I can't Adam an' Eve it..." Gina said tremulously, tears in her eyes.

"What's happened?" Susato said, panic igniting within her. Gina looked so terribly distressed.

"It''s the Boss..."

Susato stiffened.

"What do you mean?" Ryunosuke said, his face paling.

"The Boss is...He's...He's dead," Gina said.

"What...?" Ryunosuke breathed.

Susato's lungs contracted sharply.

"They—they just found 'is body. Shot...wiv a pistol..." Gina said.

"What!?" Ryunosuke repeated, voice tilting upwards.

"Inspector...Inspector Gregson!?" Susato exhaled.

"No...Not Gregsy..." Iris whispered, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Come in, my dear girl. Tell us the whole story," Sholmes said gently, ushering Gina towards the sofa.

"So! Who did this? Do you have any idea who the culprit is?" Ryunosuke said, his voice filled with hurt and rising quickly from his lips.

"They got 'im already," Gina said, tears still leaking from her reddened eyes.

"Already?!" Susato said, surprised and relieved.

"A witness reported somefin' was goin' on, an' the boys got straight down there an' took care of 'im," Gina said.

"Who!?" Susato demanded, rage filling her. "What awful person did this?"

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