Chapter Fourty Five

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Third person pov

' things are not looking good ... Especially with Roger here '

Athanese thought as he couldn't help but feel irritated as Roger keeps on questioning about his majesty.

' Why is he acting like this ? There are times he acts hatefully but isn't he part of Emperor's faction ? '

Athanasia thought in confusion but didn't let her confusion show on her face. Even the nobles were also wordless by Roger's words.

' Should i let Athy handle this situation ? '

Athanese thought as he glanced at Athanasia and saw her determined expression befitting that of a true ruler.

A small smile creeped on Athanese face but he quickly hid it .

' i should let her handle this situation after all she's going to be the ruler sooner or later . This will probably help her out in the future '

Athanese thought as he focused his attention back on Anastacius. Meanwhile Felix was sending pleading stares towards Athanese to control this situation but Athanese just ignored it .

" As you already know , His majesty doesn't like complicated procedures . For the sake of allowing his Majesty to take a proper rest Me and Athanese have called this meeting .
This is a trival matter , Duke Alpheus.

Please refrain from repeating any questions"

Athanasia said in a cold and demanding voice.

' I was worried for the princess because she is still young. Unlike the prince , She seemed a little unexperienced with such matters but It seems like i have been proven wrong

Felix was always worried about His majesty ruling with fear and his worries got even more worse when Prince also had same attitude like His majesty

Felix was always worried about His majesty ruling with fear and his worries got even more worse when Prince also had same attitude like His majesty

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But I'm sure he's feeling very relieved '

The noble with white and red hair thought as a warm smile crept on his face

" As a loyal subject of the Imperial family , There is something i must verify "

Roger spoke again and continued

" I heard that his majesty is unwell because

he performed black magic .

His words brought everyone to silence again but shortly after a few seconds of silence People's murmur started to fill the room.

No longer being able to keep quiet , Felix glared at Roger and spoke

" Duke Aplheus , i never expected your imagination to be so wild "

It was a common knowledge to all of them that If a individual is found using black magic they will be stripped off their titles and belongings .

And to even mention a royal has used black magic was a taboo . Roger was slandering the imperial family intentionally.

Athanese too could no longer keep up with Roger and decided to speak after he saw how Athanasia was speechless

' Threats will do no work on him and if i do kill him right here , i dont know how i will be able to face Ijikiel after this '

Athanese thought and before he could speak , he was interrupted by Athanasia

" As His Majesty's proxy , i can not look over what you just said Duke Alpheus. Slandering the Emperial Family is a serious crime . I find it beyond deplorable that such rumors have been spreading .

I am sure you are aware of the consequences of your action . We will investigate the origins of the rumors and the culprit will be heavily punished .

Because the original ending of the meeting has been lost . The meeting shall now-"

Athanasia was about to end the meeting but Anastacius's laughter quickly interrupted her. The nobles looked at him confusedly and in annoyance.

' Here enters the bitch of the day '

Athanese thought in annoyance as he watch his uncle

" That was pretty immature of you to try to hastily end this meeting "

Anastacius said as his laughter finally died down. Athanasia and the spectators looked at him in utter confusion and annoyance.

" Oh my , My niece was just so commendable i couldn't help it "

Anastacius said as he took off his clock revealing his face. Everyone was shocked by his appearance. Felix quickly got infront of Athanasia and he took his sword out of the seath.

" Princess !! You must stay behind me all the time !! "

Felix said in worry as he glared at Anastacius who just smiled back at him

" Its ... Its the Late Emperor Anastacius !! "

The nobles muttered in shock and rosed from their seats as they watched him look at them. Everyone were already standing and concerned about this situation but as for Athanese , he just felt like Anastacius was flexing his long legs to annoy him .

 Everyone were already standing and concerned about this situation but as for Athanese , he just felt like Anastacius was flexing his long legs to annoy him

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And it was working , Athanese was annoyed .

" Its been a while head of the noble houses , Claude's loyal knight felix and of course my dearest Nephew ! I missed you dearly "

Anastacius says as he looks towards Athanese and smiled

Only one thing resonated on the spectators mind

' What is going on and how did Athanese and Anastacius meet ? '


Sorry for the short chapter and I wish you all a Happy New Year !!

Sorry for the short chapter and I wish you all a Happy New Year !!

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