Chapter 29

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Elena called her the next morning.

"Please tell me you're not around any Originals," said Elena quietly into the phone when the vampire answered.

"Well, Klaus is still asleep in the other room. Is this hot gossip about his brother?"

"Um, maybe."

Maddy slipped into the bathroom, turning on the sink and the shower. "So," she whispered, "what is it?"

"I need to preface this by saying how important it is that you keep it a secret."

Maddy winced. "Maybe it's better you don't tell me. I'm in enough trouble for keeping secrets."

"This one is important. I swear to you, Elijah is going to handle it."

"Okay... tell me."

"I thought Esther was going to apologize for trying to have me killed when she had Vicki Donovan helping her. Instead... she told me that she wants to kill all of her children. She had this plan to link them through the champagne toast with a drop of my blood—"

"Oh my god, Elena, please don't tell me that you—"

"I had to, or she would have made me do it anyway, and probably wiped my memory. But then, when Elijah asked me what Esther talked about... I kissed him. I kissed him and he seemed to understand that I was letting him into my mind. He saw everything and only pretended to drink from the glass. I don't think Esther realized it... which means everyone else is linked, but not Elijah. He's scrambling to find a witch right now to undo the spell before tonight, which is a full moon. Esther asked Bonnie and Abby to help her. Bonnie says she's channeling the entire Bennett line."

"How will we be able to find out if Esther knows about Elijah not being linked?"

"Elijah thinks that if she realizes that the spell is incomplete, she'll run. She wouldn't dare just kill the other ones if he's not a part of it. She's even killing Finn, and according to Elijah, he's the favorite. He'd do anything for Esther."

"How was Esther even planning to kill them? Just through magic?"

"I guess so. Elijah thinks Finn was going to be the sacrifice. Willingly. It makes sense... Finn was there up until my meeting with Esther, and when it was over, Finn went back in. I'm pretty sure he knows."

"No... that doesn't make sense, though. They're Originals. Even if she's the witch that created them, I swear she'd need something more lethal to kill them. And the only thing that can is white oak. But that stake was burned when Klaus killed Mikael."

"Elijah will handle the unlinking, and then we'll focus on that."

"Elena, I can't lie to Klaus about this. I can't pretend I don't know this. He deserves to know, all of them do. If Elijah's witch doesn't make it in time, they'll all die. How can we be relying on some witch we don't know?"

"Elijah wouldn't let his siblings die. I know that for a fact. If he trusts this witch... listen, Maddy, the only other way to keep Esther from doing this tonight is if her connection to the Bennett line is shattered. Which means either Abby or Bonnie would have to turn into a vampire."

"We need to do more to make sure this doesn't happen. Esther is willing to kill her own children solely because they're vampires. Chances are she'll come for the rest of us, too. Please, let me get them all— minus Finn— to meet with us at the Boarding House. Maybe Bonnie can set up one of those spells so that vampires can't exit. They wouldn't be able to get out unless they cooperate. We'd be trying to save their lives, they have to be motivated to do something alongside us. Kol was flirting with Bonnie last night, maybe it'll be suitable motivation..."

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