413 11 2

madi monroe x

i had to know what had happened earlier in that room. it was pretty obvious they hadn't been talking about christmas presents.

first of all, you could tell charli was trying to hide her excitement, and nobody gets that excited about hiding gifts. 

second of all, avani was slightly blushing, and her lipstick was a little smudged, that wouldn't happen unless they were kissing.

third of all, charli looked extremely anxious when she asked avani to speak with her privately. hiding presents wouldn't really be a reason to be scared.

my guess is that they finally confessed their undying love to each other and had a bit of a makeout session, i just need avani or charli to say it to me so that i know it's true.

i know it sounds sort of mean, but i want to expose them to the internet.

actually, that sounds extremely mean, but it's not me who wants to expose them, it's chase and anthony, they've just asked me to get one of them to say it on a recording.

we had been chatting on the sofa for a while now, so i thought it was best to go up to our rooms, "hey, it's getting kind of late now, it's 11pm, should we start heading to our room,"

"yes, good thinking, we should start setting up our beds and stuff," avani agreed. she looked over at charli and charli nodded.

as we got up i saw avani grab onto charli's hand. 


we went upstairs and entered our room for the night. we had decided to sleep in avani's room since it was bigger and warmer.

"what do you wanna do?" charli asked.

"i think we'll start setting up our sleeping bags, unless there's enough room to fit onto your bed," i looked across at avani.

"there probably is," she replied.

"aright, oh also, voni can i talk to you alone, just for a sec," i asked.

"i mean, sure," she shrugged, "char, we'll be back quickly,"

we entered the hallway. i made sure to start recording on my phone as we left.

"what did you want to talk about?" avani said.

"so," i lowered my voice, "what did you and charli do in the room,"

"like i said, wrapping presents," 

"avani, please answer me honestly, it's obvious you weren't wrapping gifts in there,"

"well, even if we weren't talking about presents, which we were, i can't tell you what we did, it's none of your business," avani turned to go back into the bedroom.

"please voni, you can trust me," i pleaded.

"no," she simply answered.

i knew i wasn't going to get anything out of her that way, so i resorted to a harsher way of getting her to admit to it, "well, that's fine if you don't want to tell me, but i set small cameras in all of the guest rooms, so i can just check them,"

that was a complete lie, but i had to get it out of her somehow.

"what?" i could see the panic in her eyes, "fine, fine, we- we kissed. but you have to swear, on your life, not to tell anyone. please madi,"

i felt slightly bad.

"of course," i gave avani a hug, and i stopped recording.

"thank you," she said.

e.h notes:

a different pov


love yall <3

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