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avani gregg x

charli had been ignoring me all day now, it isn't like her. i know she wouldn't do something like this unless i had done something really bad.

but what did i do?

oh shit. 

she must have found out that i told madi. but how? madi wouldn't have told her, and nobody else knew.

i came up to char in the evening, everyone else had gone to their rooms by now. "char, please talk to me, i don't know what i did wrong?" i pleaded, grabbing her hands.

"fine," she said flatly.

she definitely found out.

"thank you, char," i said, and we went up to my room.

"why," she slammed the door.

"can we sit down and talk about it, explain what i did?" i suggested.

"ok," she sat down next to me on my bed.

"can you tell me what i did?"

"you fucked up. that what," she said angrily.

"charli? i don't what i did!"

"you told madi," she said, the irritation clear in her voice, "you told madi, and now it's floating all over the internet," she crossed her arms.

"WHAT?" i exclaimed, "madi forced me to tell her! i didn't think she'd do this!"

"well she did, and now i don't know if i can trust you," she turned to me, "you promised, you said you wouldn't tell anyone until i was ready! you broke that promise,"  

my eyes welled up with tears, "i don't want to loose you, i'm sorry,"

"two words won't change anything."

"i know, i know."

"so why say sorry."

"because i am, i'm truly sorry char."

"what do you mean by madi forced you to tell her?" she was avoiding looking at me.

"she- she said she put cameras in all the guest rooms, so either way she would find out. i know it was a dumb thing to believe, i know i've fucked up, but i'm sorry, i really am," i was properly crying now.

"i hate both of you," 

it felt as if a dagger had been plunged into my heart, "char, honestly i'm really sorry, please don't do this," bucket loads of tears were falling from my eyes.

"i can't trust you avani," she got up off of the bed, "bye," she left the room, leaving me balling my eyes out.

e.h notes:

will they make up? idk

another short chap but idk how to extend it

love yall <3

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