21. Make It Right

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Unknown Time
Unknown Place

"Help her!" A voice screamed faintly. "Help her!"

My eyes snapped open, but closed quickly as a bright white light shined in my eyes. Suddenly what was once silence was filled with noice. Loud beeping sounds, hurried voices, and scuffling surrounded me, so loud I could barely think.

"Shut up." I said quietly, trying to open my eyes but still, the light was too bright and the noise only got louder.

"Shut. Up." I gritted through my teeth.

But the noise was unbearable. And it wouldn't stop.

"Shut up!" I yelled, bringing my hand to my ears and shutting my eyes even tighter than they already were. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

Suddenly, everything was silent.

My chest heaved up and down rapidly as I adjusted to the new found silence I'd asked for. I removed my hands from ears and opened my eyes slowly.

This time, everything was dark.

I slowly sat up from the plain hospital bed I was in, looking out into the abyss, trying to make things out. But there was nothing there.

"Hello?" I called out. "Anybody there?"

"Help her."

My head snapped to the right as a voice echoed amongst the darkness.

"Help her."

"Who are you?" I yelled, stepping off the bed into puddles of water, but it didn't matter. I had to find the voice.

He was calling to me.


"Cam?" I called.

"Help her."

"Cam where are you?" I walked through the water aimlessly, trying to find him in the dark. "Cam?!"

"Help her."

"I want to!" I yelled. "Where are you?"

As I traveled foward, his voice echoed louder, and rang clear.

"Help her."

"I'm coming, Cam! I'm coming!"

I started running, almost tripping in the warm water. I didn't even care that I was soaking myself, all that mattered was finding him.

I followed his voice aimlessly, running and running until all of a sudden, the darkness vanished and I stood in a emergency room.

Everything around me was moving, but he was so still.

There he stood, right in the middle of the room. His hands placed on his head, his eyebrows creased together as they always do when he's worried.

"Cam!" I called out, walking towards him. "I'm here! I'm here."

But he wasn't looking at me, it was like he was looking through me.

"Help her." He repeated softly.

"Help who?" I asked, but he didn't respond. He just kept looking. "Cam, help who?!"

"Her." A voice spoke from behind me. My voice.

I turned around, watching as a herd of doctors and nurses rushed around someone, barking out orders, hooking up machines, putting on gloves. I scrunched my brows in confusion, wondering who it was they were trying to help and why Cam wanted to help her so bad.

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