1 | Hospital

207 6 10

Beep... beep... beep...

Cool, crisp air and the smell of disinfectant fill your lungs as you open your eyes a bit, only to be blinded by the bright white lights above you.

You squint, trying to figure out where exactly you are as your body throbs. You slowly try to sit up, groaning at how sore your joints feel.


You're in a hospital.


Something's off.

It doesn't look like the hospitals you're used to, and you can't figure out why.

"Where the hell am I-?" You wonder aloud, as you realize there's a man in the room with you. He's sitting in a chair in the corner, doing something on his phone. Before you can say anything, he glances up and locks eyes with you, a look of worry washing over him as he scrambles to your bedside.

"How're you feeling? Do you remember anything about the accident?"

"Accident-?" You raise an eyebrow. "Who are you-? And why am I in a hospital-?"

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, it was all my fault. I was in a high-speed chase with some villains, I lost control, and caused a big accident where a bunch of innocent bystanders got injured-"

He was interrupted by the door to your room opening. A doctor walks in, his eyes trained on his clipboard. "Alright, we tested her DNA and it doesn't match anything in Japan's systems. She didn't have any personal identification on her either, so her identity is completely in the dark." He looks up. "Oh, she's awake! Do you remember who you are or where you're from-?"

You think long and hard.


"Do you remember why you're here?"


The doctor frowns. "That's a problem... well, do you remember how old you are?"

A number comes to your mind, and for some reason, your gut tells you it's right. 


The doctor turns back to the other man. "We're going to keep her here and monitor her for a few more hours, and then we have to discharge her since we need more open beds than we can supply." The doctor's eyes meet yours once more. "Do you have any family or friends we could call to pick you up?"

You know the answer for some God-forsaken reason.

"No. I don't."

"Are you sure-?"

"Yes. I am."

He sighs. "You did get some pretty heavy head injuries, so you probably have amnesia. It should wear off over time, but then again, it might not. Either way, you'll need to live with someone full time if you don't already. Anyway, you can rest, I have to go check on my other patients. The nurses will come in a few hours to unhook your IV, oxygen, and such, then you're free to go." Without another word he leaves, and your eyelids begin to feel heavy as you realize how tired you are.

"So you really don't remember anything?"

You slightly shake your head, closing your eyes. "No."

"You need rest, so just sleep for now."


You let your body relax, and before you know it, sleep has caught you in its warm embrace.

𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 | Shoto Todoroki X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now