27 | Good Morning, Love~

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You yawn, sitting up and stretching as the bedsheets fall from your bare chest. As you process your surroundings, the previous night's activities replay in your head. You glance over to the space next to you, sighing upon the realization it was empty.

'Shoto must already be up...'

You slip out of the bed, morning light leaking through the curtains as you weave your way through the clothes strewn about the floor. Your black gown is in a pile across the room, but you couldn't care less if it got wrinkled.

You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, smiling as you admire all of the hickeys and bite marks Shoto had left across your skin. Your fingers gently ghost the diamond necklace still fastened around your neck, your mind flashing back to what he had said:

"Leave it on. I think it's sexy, and it's like marking you as my territory... not quite as drastic as a wedding ring, but still enough to let everyone know you're mine, and mine alone~"

You eventually find your black lace underwear and matching strapless bra, debating your options of what to wear over them to make your way downstairs. After a few moments you manage to locate the white button-up shirt that Shoto had been wearing under his tux.

You put it on, and it fits you somewhat like a relatively loose and short dress as it only reaches about a third of the way down your thighs.

Admiring yourself in the mirror, you roll the sleeves up to quarter length and leave the top few buttons undone, teasing at a bit of cleavage. You quickly comb through your hair with your fingers, fluffing it to make yourself a bit more presentable.

You then exit Shoto's room, and you can hear something sizzling in the kitchen below. You make your way down, Shoto too absorbed in his cooking to notice you at first. You smile, a little sad when you realize he's in his hero costume.

He briefly glances at you before his eyes return to his work. 

"Oh, good mor-" he cuts himself off as his now wide eyes quickly return to you, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. He scans you up and down as he takes in your body and what you're wearing; his gaze lingering for a moment on the bit of cleavage you'd chosen to expose.

"My eyes are up here," you tease, and he blushes a bit more.

"S-sorry, you just-... caught me off guard-... in a good way-" he clears his throat, adjusting his shirt collar as he pulls himself together. "You look sexy as hell in that~"

You giggle. "Thanks," As you sit down on a barstool at the island across the counter from where he's working. "That is what I was going for after all."

"Well you definitely achieved it~" he purrs, walking over and giving you a gentle peck on the lips.

"Good morning~" you smile, his hands sweetly caressing your hips.

"Good morning indeed, my love~" he gives you a few more loving kisses before turning back to his cooking.

"So what are you making?"

"(F/Breakfast)," he smiles.

"Seriously?! That's my favorite!"

"Well, I'm glad I chose to make it then. Although I won't get to enjoy it with you, I'm already late for work." He sighs sadly, dishing out a serving for you, quickly beginning to clean up the mess.

You take a bite, and your eyes sparkle. "This is delicious!"

"I'm glad," he grins wholesomely, as he puts the dirtied dishes into the dishwasher and starts it. "Oh and I almost forgot, the police chief stopped by this morning and dropped off your things that were recovered from the accident scene," he motions to a white plastic bag on the coffee table. "You can go through it whenever you're ready, but I've gotta head to work."

You nod, and he gives you a peck on the forehead. 

"I love you, Y/N~"

"I love you too, Shoto~"

With that, he heads out, leaving you all alone in the now quiet apartment.

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