28 | True Identity

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You sigh, heading over to the bag on the coffee table. You'd taken your time getting dressed and ready for your day, cleaning up the breakfast mess, and making sure the kitchen was spotless.

You sit down on the couch, reaching across and opening the bag.

An uneasy feeling settles upon you as you carefully take out a charred crossbody bag, checking that there was nothing else in the plastic one. The crossbody bag had something in it, so you cautiously begin to open it, soon realizing there were only two or so things inside.

You pull out the first item; a now broken flip phone. 


You then slowly remove the larger object, confused at first.

It was a soft, small, grey object, and you turn it so that its face is looking at you. It's missing an eye, the threads with which it had been sewn on still hanging where the eye once sat.

The remaining eye stared back at you, its black chambers seeming to hold a thousand secrets. Mesmerized by the small elephant stuffed animal, you sit in silence.

Suddenly your eyes widen. "Hold on-..."

Every dream from the past few days comes flooding back to you as your hands begin to shake.

"No, it can't be-"

There was one thing all of your dreams had in common.

A grey stuffed elephant.

That's when you notice the faint bloodstain on its fabric, in the same spot where you'd smeared it in your dream where you killed six people.

You dig for your flip phone to call 911, having a hard time with all the blood getting in your eyes and blocking your vision. Your matted hair sticks to your face, hot tears running down your cheeks as you accidentally smudge some blood on your stuffed elephant. 

The same dream where Nathan-

"Charlotte's death was not your fault. And neither was Nathan's, or your Grandma Carols."

Your heart begins to race as your head spins.

Those weren't dreams...

Those were memories.

 You drop the elephant as tears well in your eyes.

"Oh my God..." you whisper, "what have I done...?"

Your full memory hits you like a rogue freight train, your body shaking as you look at your hands. "...she was right..."

Everything's a blur of emotions as you shove the items back into the bag, running upstairs and to Shoto's room. Heading over to his computer, you quickly buy yourself a one-way plane ticket to America for later that day before rushing across the way to your own bedroom.

"As I told Dabi, I don't fail."

"Good. Everything's already arranged, you just have to get there and we'll have anything you need. The ticket is booked for two days from now. Here's the kill list," he hands you a bunch of Polaroid photos. "If you don't kill them all, that counts as failure."

"I won't let you down, Shigaraki." 

Once lost memories now replay themselves in a tsunami of guilt and pain as you throw a suitcase onto your bed and begin frantically shoving things in it.

You're nearly blinded by your tears, only throwing in the essentials. 

"Ma'am, are you aware you were going 20 over the speed limit?"

You adjust your sunglasses, your disguise feeling uncomfortable and itchy.

"You gonna do something about it asshole?"

Slamming the suitcase shut, you zip it up and hear something hit the floor with a clunk.

You turn in its direction, the familiar black pouch Gwen had given you sitting on the floor.

You pick it up, the tears flowing stronger as the diamond and chain around your neck feel increasingly heavier.

"Damnit!" You hiss, weaving through traffic. "This car is dog shit!"

About 20 police sirens wail behind you, along with a few pro heroes and their cars.

You smirk when you catch a glimpse of Shoto Todoroki's Light blue stingray corvette speeding up next to you.

"Alright Bumble," You grin, glancing at your bag in the passenger seat. Your stuffed elephant's head sticks out, watching you with both of its shiny black eyes. "It's showtime."

You quickly grab a pen and a piece of paper, writing down an apology letter and leaving it on your bedside table.

Reaching behind you, you unclasp the necklace, setting it and the ring with the note.

You grab your purse and suitcase, hurrying down the stairs.

In the moment you glance down at bumble, Shoto's car clips the end of yours, causing yours to spin out of control. You hold on for dear life as you collide with another vehicle, your own flipping through the air and crushing multiple others. The windows are shattered and your bag flies out, and as your eyes follow it you see some other injured people already thrown from their cars. Your disguise is long gone, and before you know it you've been thrown from the car as well. You hit the concrete barrier on the edge of the bridge, getting a severe concussion as a result.

You watch as your car teeters over the edge of the bay, shifting back and forth precariously.


You watch as Todoroki's vehicle rear-ends an already damaged car, causing a chain reaction of about 20 cars. The last one hits the bumper of yours, spinning it a bit before it finally falls over the edge. A loud splash could be heard above all the screams, and you notice a few cars on fire as the police cars stop.

You feel wet.

You look down and realize you're sitting in a pool of your own blood.

The next thing you know, you wake up in a hospital with a strange man.

You take one last look back at the apartment before closing the door and leaving for the last time.

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