23 | Charlotte

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Your eyes widen. "W-... What-?!?"

"My baby... I-... before Shoto and I got engaged... I got pregnant..." she sniffs, wiping her nose with her arm as she seems to have calmed down a bit. "We kept it a secret, and you couldn't even tell that I was carrying..."

You blink.

She looks away, avoiding your gaze. "We learned the gender, picked the name, and Shoto was so excited... all he'd ever talk about was how he couldn't wait to meet her... he was going crazy about the whole thing..."

You listen carefully, overwhelmed with all of the new information.

A few stray tears trickle down her face as she continues. "But apparently fate didn't consider me worthy of giving Shoto the child he always dreamed of... I-... I miscarried in the last week of my second trimester... and we lost the baby... the doctors said that my body was not adequate for having children, and that I was underweight for being pregnant... but apparently the miscarriage damaged me in some way because no matter how hard we tried, I couldn't get pregnant again..."

Your heart sinks, breaking for the girl before you.

"He was devastated and heartbroken, even more than I was... although he said he still loved me, and he proposed to prove that he wanted me, even though I couldn't give him kids..."

Everything starts to come together for you as you slowly put together the pieces of the puzzle.

"But then when I was stressed out about work and wedding plans, he found pictures of an old photoshoot I did that ended up in a playboy magazine... we got in a big fight, and he kicked me out..." she sniffed. "I didn't know what to do with myself, without him I didn't have any purpose... I focused on the lawsuits surrounding my manager and the shoot... but I found myself unable to live without him..."

You nod, already familiar with this part of the story.

"After about eight or so months in America, I came back here, hoping he'd take me back... I had a shoot in Kujaku city, and I was heading to Tokyo that night to see him again when..." a bit of resentment appears in her expression and her tone shifts. "...when I got a text that he had a female friend staying at his apartment who needed some clothes in a specific size... he said that it was only temporary, but that he needed them ASAP... he explained some of the situation, but I was on the bullet train so I couldn't get there until the next morning..."

You exhale, releasing her shoulders as you back up a bit.

She pauses, and you can practically hear the gears in her mind turning.

"...it's all your fault..." she whispers, her eyes wide. "It's all your fault!"

"Hold on a second, what-?!?"

She turns to face you, full-fledged crazy swirling like a category five hurricane in her eyes, accompanied by a sickening grin. "You stole him from me, you stupid bitch!"

"I don't know what you're talking about-" You put your hands up defensively, beginning to back up as you check again to see if Shoto was paying attention. 

"Don't play dumb with me," she laughs, "He doesn't just give every girl a Diamond necklace like that." She motions to the chain around your neck. "He doesn't just take every girl he meets to the Tokyo gala."

You pause, thinking about her words.

"Are you really gonna tell me you have the audacity to not notice?!?" Her tone shifts again, back to one of heartbreak as her eyes become glossy and wet. Her expression softens, and you can see the brokenness deep within her as her stance relaxes.

𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 | Shoto Todoroki X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now