19 | Accusations

36 5 11

You carry the dress in a garment bag as you and Gwen head towards Shoto's apartment. You enter when you get there, finding Shoto inside. He's sitting at the counter, scrolling on his phone.

"Oh, welcome back!" He smiles, putting his phone away and smiling at you. "How'd it go?"

"Great!" You grin. "The dress is perfect!"

"I can't wait to see it!" He blushes, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he walks over. "Oh, and, I hope you don't mind, but, I got you a little something to go along with it..." He hands you a small black velvet-covered box, which you promptly open.

Inside is a simple- yet stunning- diamond necklace.

Your eyes widen. "Is this real-?!"

He nods. "Yeah. Figured you'd want to fit in at the gala with all the hoity-toity rich people, and I also wanted to thank you for making me soba the other day."

You blink. "A-are you serious-?!? You didn't have to do this-"

"I know, but there's a difference between have to and want to."

You grin, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and embracing him. "Thank you so much!" You give him a peck on the cheek, causing him to turn bright, cherry red. "I'm gonna go put my dress away real fast."

You take your things and head up the stairs to your room, not even noticing the look on Gwen's face.

You quickly put your things away, throwing the dress on the bed and setting your new necklace on the vanity. You pause for a moment, listening closely to the voices downstairs. You slowly walk out of your room, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Shoto you shouldn't trust her, she's dangerous!"

"Oh because I could trust you to not go and take pornographic photos without my knowledge."

"This is different! I'm telling you this because I care about you, not because I w-"

"You don't have any place in my love life anymore, Gwendolyn." Shoto's voice suddenly shifts to a more stern tone, and his use of Gwen's full first name sends shivers down your spine. "So get your ass out of it."

"Shoto you can't trust her!" Gwen's voice sounds more distressed and desperate. "There's something about her, a feeling in my gut that I just can't expla-"

"You're butting into my business over some dumb 'gut feeling'? Grow up, Gwen. And mind your own fucking business."

You freeze, unfamiliar with the sound of Shoto cursing.

"Please, you have to listen to me! Your life is on the line!" 

"Gwen, what the fuck has gotten into you?! Y/N wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"How well do you really know this girl Shoto?! You met her, what, a week ago?" Gwen is now on the verge of yelling. "how much do you actually know about her?!?"

"We'd only been dating a month when you moved in."

"That's not what this is about!"

"Yes, it's entirely what this is about!"

"Shoto, please! You have to listen!"

"No! Why the hell should I?!"

"Because I'm trying to help you!"

"You're not helping anyone!"

You begin to creep down the stairs, your eyes locked on them.

"I'm begging you, just hear me out! She's not safe!"

𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 | Shoto Todoroki X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now