20 | Broken Pieces

42 5 11

You stir, opening your eyes and realizing it was still dark out. You roll over to look at the alarm clock.

1:18 AM.

You toss and turn, trying to get comfortable again, having a hard time with the light leaking in through your cracked bedroom door.

Wait a minute-

You sit up, rubbing your eyes to make sure they weren't deceiving you.

'I could have sworn I closed that door-... and why are the lights on-?'

You get up, heading over to investigate. You slowly open the door, creeping out and looking around. Everything looks normal, aside from a few minor decor changes which were nearly unnoticeable.

You peer over the balcony, looking down at the kitchen and living room area. You can see Shoto pacing back and forth anxiously, holding something in his hand. You quietly make your way down the stairs. 

"Shoto-? Is something wrong-?"

He ignores you, simply clutching whatever was in his hand with a death grip. Your attention is grabbed when you hear the creak of the door hinges, announcing someone's arrival.

Gwen squeezes in silently, looking taken aback when she closes the door and turns to see Shoto.

"What are you doing up-?" She asks, setting her purse down and cautiously moving nearer to him. "Is everything okay-?"

"No." He growls, carelessly tossing the item in his hand towards her. It slid along the floor, stopping at her feet. "Care to explain that?"

She looks confused. "...what is this-"

"It's you." He hisses. "Modeling. In a fucking playboy magazine."

Her eyes widen. "W-what-?!"

"Must I repeat myself?"

Gwen stares at the item in front of her as if it were a severed human head. "P-playboy-? But-... b-but they said it would be-"

"Said it would be what, Gwen?" Shoto scowls. "What on earth would justify you taking these kinds of pictures?!"

She just sits there silently, staring at the magazine's open page. Her mouth is slightly open as an expression of pure and utter shock riddles her features. You can see her hands shaking, frozen in a mix of confusion, betrayal, and horror. 

"Answer me, damnit!"

"I-I-..." you can hear the gears in the girl's mind turning as she tries to think of a response.

Shoto watches her expectantly, arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor impatiently. His piercing glare makes him look a lot like japan's #1 hero Endeavor, which sends chills down your spine. You wonder if they're related.

"Yes? I'm listening."

"Shoto, I-..." the girl blinks. "Wait a minute, what on earth were you doing with a playboy magazine?!?"

"That's besides the point, Gwen."

"No, it's not! Answer my question and I'll answer yours!"

"Kaminari." He gives her a condescending look. "He gets them, he saw the picture and showed it to me. Now tell me what the fuck you're doing in a pornography magazine!"

"I didn't know they were gonna end up in playboy, okay?!? All I was told was a 'famous art and photography magazine', and their examples were National Geographic and the Smithsonian!"

"Playboy is considered art by a lot of people, Gwen!"

"They didn't say that was a possibility!"

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