6 | History

59 6 14

"So what are you guys thinking about for lunch?" Gwen asked, turning to you.

You shrug, your arms filled with a few of the bags of shopping you'd all acquired throughout the day.

"The food court here has a lot of options," Yaomomo looked around the busy room. "How would you guys feel about something like orange chicken?"

Gwen nodded. "I'm game."

"Sure! What about you, Y/N?"

You nod as well.

"Alright, why don't you and Ashido take the bags and go find us a table, Gwendolyn and I can get the food."

"Okey dokey!" Mina grinned, taking the bags from the other two. "C'mon, Y/N!"

You walk alongside Mina, looking for an empty table in the crowded dining area. You can't wait any longer to ask the question that's been in the back of your mind since you'd heard Gwen's comment that morning. "So... Mina... How long have you known Gwen and Yaomomo?"

"Yaomomo I've known since high school, but Gwen I've only known for around four or five years."

"So... do the two of them... like... have history.... With Shoto or something-?"

Mina's expression changes, and she dawns a hushed tone. "Yeah, actually. They do. Why do you ask?"

You quickly spot an empty table and set your things on it, each taking a seat.

"Gwen made a comment this morning about having loved Shoto."

"What do you mean?"

"When he made the 'love me and squeeze me and call me George' joke, she mumbled 'I've tried that already'. Seems like she has some beef with him. Same with Yaomomo, after the comment she made about Shoto not having any food."

"You're really observant, you know that?" Mina sighs. "Todoroki went to the same high school that Yaomomo and I went to. Same with Bakugo and Midoriya. We've been through a lot of stuff together, and that causes a closeness and type of bond that can't be replicated in any way."

You nod, listening intently.

"The last two years of high school Yaomomo and Todoroki dated, and they were actually pretty serious. But, leading up to graduation they kind of drifted apart and went their separate ways; but they agreed to stay friends. Then, later that year, Gwen came into the picture. She and Todoroki met at this annual charity gala red carpet event where all the higher-ups of the world meet for peace talks and such. It's actually happening next week, I think... or something like that, but it doesn't matter. They hit it off and started dating, getting really serious, and within a few months they were living together. They were actually engaged for a while, until they got in this huge fight over a photoshoot she had done that was more on the... er... not safe for work side of things... which may sound petty, but if you saw the photos you'd understand. They ended up breaking up, and she moved back to America. She visits Japan frequently, and like with yaomomo, they agreed to put the past behind them and stay friends."

You blink. "Wow... that was way more information than I expected... but what's your personal opinion of the photos? Was Shoto's reaction over the top?"

She shook her head. "No. Todoroki's reaction was entirely warranted; if anything it was an under reaction. Like, the photos weren't just bikini pics, they were basically pornographic."

"Why did she do the photoshoot in the first place?"

"It was something about that her manager at the time was exploiting her or something...? I don't really remember, all I know was there was a big scandal and a bunch of people got arrested. But either way, Gwen still defends the shoot, and she wholeheartedly agreed to do it."

"And the whole thing didn't tarnish her reputation?"

"Not really."

"What was the shoot for?"

"Playboy, I think."


"I'm telling you Yaomomo, I know her from somewhere... I've seen her before." Gwen's voice approaches, and you turn around to see the two girls carrying trays of food. "I just can't put my finger on it."

"It could just be a coincidence, it's entirely possible for her to look like someone you've met before." Yaomomo and Gwen set down the trays, and you and Mina take your plates.

"No, no, it's not like that... it's more like when you see someone on an ad on a billboard and then see them in person..." Gwen grabs her food and sits across from yaomomo, who has already begun to eat. "Or like someone you met a long time ago and forgot about."

"C'mon guys," Mina whines, her mouth already full of rice and chicken. "You know I can't understand you when you talk in English!"

You pause, mid bite. "Hold on, who are you talking about-?"

Gwen and Yaomomo freeze, their eyes wide. "Y-you can understand us-?"

Mina's eyes widen. "You speak English-?!" 

You blink, not hearing a noticeable difference. "Have we not been speaking English this whole time-?"

All three girls shake their heads.

"We've been speaking Japanese-" Yaomomo whispers.

"...I didn't know I knew Japanese."

"Wait, so you're saying Japanese isn't your native language?"

"...I guess not... I think English might be."

Yaomomo and Gwen exchange looks, and Mina claps. "That's so cool!"

Suddenly Gwen's phone started to ring, and she promptly answered. "Hello-? ... Yeah, of course. I know. ... I'll be there, don't worry. ... Okay, bye."

"Who was that?" Yaomomo asked, taking another bite of her food.

"My manager making sure I was still up for the shoot tomorrow afternoon." She sighed. "They're always so boring."

"I wish I could come along, but unfortunately I have work." Yaomomo frowned.

"Hey, why doesn't Y/N go along?" Mina suggested.

Gwen smiled. "Sure, if she's up for it."

You shrug. "Sounds like fun."

"Oh," Gwen looked down at her phone. "And it looks like Katsuki wasn't too happy about Shoto being behind this morning... he said he has to stay even later than normal."

"Will Y/N be okay on her own?"

You nod. "I can take care of myself, don't worry. I just need some help getting my things put away."

Mina grins, giving you a thumbs up. "You got it captain!"

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