10 | Meet The Gang

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(A/N: Chapters 10 & 11 were originally one chapter that I broke apart to make it easier to edit and upload, so that is why the end kind of feels abrupt)

"...so I'm gonna be on a magazine cover with Gwen!" You grin, looking at Shoto from the passenger's seat. "Isn't that cool?"

He nods, smiling as he puts the car into park. "Very."

"Anyway, what exactly is this the anniversary of again?"

"The opening of our agency, five years ago today. Everyone who played a part in it was invited, which is why we rented out the whole place." He gets out of the driver's seat, swiftly walking over and opening the door for you. You nod your thanks as the two of you head inside.

Once through the doors, you're met with the loud sounds of bowling pins getting knocked over, followed by a bunch of cheers. 

"So these are all your friends?" You ask, looking up at Shoto. He nods as the two of you begin to approach the groups at the bowling alley lanes. You glance around, noticing a huge arcade area to your far left, filled with bright flashing lights and loud noises. In front of you on the back wall is about 10 bowling alley lanes, and to the left of it is some kind of hanging obstacle course. There's also a large wall with a sign reading "laser tag", and under the hanging parkour is a huge mini-golf course. To the right is the concessions and a go-cart track, as well as the dining area with a stage and karaoke machine.

"Man, this place is insane..." you mumble, as you take it all in. Shoto nods again. 

"That's why we booked it, there's never a dull moment around here."

"YOU'RE FINALLY HERRRREEEE!" Mina's voice screeches as she runs over and embraces you. "It took you long enough! We've been waiting to do some games of laser tag until you got here!"


"Calm down, Kacchan! It's just a bow-"


"Bakubro, calm down! It's not manly to get this mad over something so small."

Shoto gave a tired sigh. "I see Bakugo already started bitching."

"When does he ever stop?" Mina grumbled, watching as the blond-haired male chucked a bowling ball at the pins. "Although it's a good thing we're doing laser tag instead of paintball or airsoft, if we were we'd all be dead meat." She turns around to face the group. "HEY GUYS, TODOROKI IS HERE!"




"Is it just me or has he de-evolved?" Mina mumbled, earning a chuckle from Shoto.

"It would seem so." 

"I take it you're Y/N?" A young man with green hair smiles as he approaches you, extending his hand for a shake. You nod, shaking his hand. "Todoroki has told us all about you." He winks at Shoto, causing the two of you to blush.

"Y/N," Shoto chuckles, "this is my friend Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku smiles. "But you can call me Deku."

"WHAT'S THAT ABOUT DEKU?!?" The blond storms over. "WHO'D YOU BRING WITH ICY HOT?!?"

"For one, you need to calm down and stop yelling, it's hurting my ears." Shoto grumbled, earning a huff from the other man. "And this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Bakugo."

Bakugo looks over to you, studying you for a moment before his expression softens. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N." He smirks, giving Shoto a look. 

"Y/N, it's great to finally meet you!" The redheaded guy who had been consoling Bakugo moments before grinned as he walked over. "I'm Ejiro Kirishima."

"We wanted to wait for you and Y/N to get here before we did any laser tag," Deku smiles. "You guys up for a game?"

"Hell yeah." You and Shoto reply in unison.

"Great, I'll go let the others know. You guys go ahead and make your way over there."

You and Shoto nod, making your way over to the doors beneath the large laser tag sign with Mina, Bakugo, and Kirishima not far behind. After lining up outside the door, you wait for the others. 

"So you're the fabled Y/N?" A man with yellow hair and a cocky grin plastered on his face comes around the corner. "You're even more beautiful than Todoroki described you."

You blush, and notice Shoto shift a bit. 

"Oh leave her alone Kaminari," a woman with short purple hair hisses, poking him with the earphone jack hanging from her left ear.

"Ouch- Jirou, you didn't have to poke me-"

"You'd think after all this time he'd actually respect women." Another man with darker hair and weird-ass elbows rounded the corner, along with some floating clothes- which you quickly determined was actually a girl. 

"At least he's better than Mineta." She sighed.

"Almost anyone is better than Mineta." Yaomomo laughed as she rounded the corner with Gwen, a frog-like girl, a girl with brown hair and pink cheeks, as well as Deku, a bird-headed man and a man with- are those engines in his legs-?!?

The ladies all nodded in unison.

"Okay, are you all ready?" An employee seemed to appear out of nowhere.

The group nods, and they open the doors to the armory so you can all file into the room. On both sides of the room, there's a row of chairs and various wall-mounted guns.

"How about we start you all off with a team deathmatch?" The employee suggests, and you all agree. "Boys versus girls?"

There's a pause for a moment, and suddenly everyone's looking at you.

"...I guess it sounds like fun-?" You stutter.

Bakugo laughs. "You guys have basically already lost!"

"Hey, don't be so sure." Mina glares at him. "Remember that Gwen is an incredible shot, and knows how to handle herself with a gun."

"As if."

The boys all go over and take a seat on the side with blue LEDs and the girls claim the red.

𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 | Shoto Todoroki X Female ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat