15 | Hangover

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Your head throbs as you stir in your bed, your stomach tying itself in knots. Slowly you open your eyes to see the ceiling of your bedroom.

The blackout curtains are closed, and your vision is somewhat doubled and kind of blurry. You slowly try to sit up, realizing you were still in your clothes from the previous night before a wave of nausea washes over you and you quickly lay back down.

"What happened..." you mumble, watching the ceiling as the room begins to spin. You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. "God, I think I'm gonna throw up-...."

The sound of soft breathing catches your attention, and you turn your head to see none other than Shoto asleep next to you.

He's still in his clothes as well, passed out on his side facing you. He's a good two or three feet away, so you eliminate the possibility of anything happening between the two of you.

"S-...Shoto-?" You whisper, rolling over to face him.

His eyes open, and he looks over at you. "Hm-? What time is it-?"

"I don't know-.... What on earth happened last night-? The last thing I remember is karaoke..." you rub your head. "How much did I have to drink-?"

He thinks for a moment as he makes his way to a seated position, running his fingers through his hair as he groans. "Uhh... One glass of Champaign... plus around I think like-... Three or four glasses of wine-?"

"Do you have any idea how late we were out-?"

"I think we got back around 3 am." He closes his eyes, leaning back against the pillows and headboard. "If I remember correctly it was about 11:45 ish when you guys were doing wannabe, do you remember anything after that?"

"Not really..." you mumble. "I think I remember everyone singing don't stop believin'... then that's it."

He nods. "That'd make sense. You got pretty drunk after all. If I remember correctly you blacked out around 2 ish."

You blush. "I blacked out-?!"

He chuckles. "Yeah. So I brought you back, and I guess I passed out myself."

A panic settles upon you. "Was I the only one who was drunk-?!?"

This time he laughs. "Not at all! I dare say Gwen was more wasted than you since she had more to drink, but nowadays she can hold her alcohol pretty well. Everyone else was either marginally drunk or buzzed to some extent, even me. That's why I called an Uber to bring us back, the others stayed there so I don't know what time they got home. But like I said, at some point once this hangover wears off I'll have to go back and get my car."

You sigh, closing your eyes once more. "Fun."

"You enjoyed yourself, no?"

You sigh again. "Yeah. Maybe even a little too much."

He smiles. "Well, I'm not going into work today since I'll be here taking care of you."

You roll over, burying your face in your pillow. "I feel like absolute shit."

"That's to be expected."

"Can you check the time?"

Shoto pulls out his phone. "It's 5:28 pm."

"We slept through the whole day?" You groan.


Another wave of nausea washes over you, along with a sudden sense of urgency. You jump up from the bed and run into the bathroom, and the next thing you know you're bent over at the toilet throwing up. 

𝓘𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓽𝔂 | Shoto Todoroki X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now