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~fitting song for the chapter softcore by the neighbourhood~

❗Tiny tw: mention of abuse! Please skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable with that subject, it is just a small backstory(in the beginning)❗


Life makes you do terrible things. It makes you suffer because of your actions. Life is nothing but pain and torture.

I was very well aware of that ever since I signed the papers for becoming an assasin.

I thought to myself "Maybe I will learn to not be a bad person" because all I have ever done in life was make my friends suffer.

I had a lot of friends back in high-school. Many of them died because of me. I was a terrible teenager. I did a lot of forbidden things.

My parents didn't really give a shit about me. They didn't care if I lived or died. All they wanted from me was to bring money home.

It caused me to steal and my friends had to pay for it because I always blamed it on them.

Some say that I am a fake friend but I don't really care.


You see, when I was a child I got abused by my parents, a lot.

For not making food or being able to cook when I was only 7 years old.

For not having good grades, not making any money and mostly for being alive.

All I wanted was love and affection from my parents.

I wanted them to hug me and never let go.

But sadly, it never happened. My parents are dead by now, I might have murdered them right after I became an assasin.

Anyway, that is not my exact point.

My point is that being an assasin is not great at all.

I don't know what people got told that signed the same papers that I did but this job really sucks.

I thought that maybe we would get assigned difficult people to catch but no.

Every single person that we have caught to this day, since 2018 are just random people killing their wives/husbands or someone else.

We needed someone or something stronger.

We were ready for someone powerful and impossible to catch.

We were ready for a bigger challenge!

And I think God must have heard our prayers because we just got assigned to catch the most powerful killers in all history.

George and Karl.

Ex-assasins. The reason they got fired is unknown till this day.

But one thing for sure, they kill with no mercy.

There is no way we can get near them without having our throats slit open.

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