18-It All Starts Now

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-fitting song for the chapter: Warriors by 2WEI. feat Edda Hayes (slowed+reverbed)-


I opened my eyes on the streets.

The last thing I can remember was Bad hitting me with a wooden stick.

I was very close on confronting George and maybe getting something out of him if Bad hadn't knocked me out.

"Damnit" I whispered to myself, noticing that Bad, Karl and George were all not in sight.

Quickly I pulled out my phone to call Sapnap.

The phone rang as I pushed myself up from the floor and adjusted my clothes.

"Who is this?" Sapnap said right after picking up.

For a minute I was very confused. I thought that Sapnap might have had deleted my number on accident.

Or I was calling anonymously without knowing it.

"Hey, buddy. It's Dream, do you not have me in your contacts?"

Silent filled the air.

We were both confused on what was going on.

Sapnap finally broke the silence.

"I- we thought that you died."

"What?!" I yelled, quickly covering my mouth right after.

"Yeah, the tracker we put on you was located on a dead body, so we thought that they k-killed you." Those two smartass hoes.

They weren't waiting for me to show up and watch them kill a random person, in fact they were putting on my tracker on that person.

That whole act where George was standing in the middle of the road was fake as well.

They knew my weaknesses. They knew how to trick an assasin because they once were an assasin themselves.

I sighed.


"Huh?" I heard Sapnap say.

"It's a long story for another day. I have a big ass problem up my ass."

"What is it?" Now how was I supposed to make a polite and not nerv racing sentence that Bad was a traitor, who has now disappeared along with George and Karl while I was knocked out thanks to Bad.

"Well, long story short. I lost Karl and George. And I need you guy's help finding them again."

"Yeah no worries. By the way. Have you heard anything from Badboyhalo?" Sapnap's question started to make me nervous.

In what world can I say that his idol was a fucking traitor?

I decided to keep lying to him until I find Bad and beat the shit out of him.

"Nope" I smacked my lips while pronouncing the letter 'p'.

"Alright. Anyway. I'll call you as soon as I find something. You go and try to find them. " Sapnap believed me.

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