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So we called Ben, MJ and Ned to meet us at Strange's place to Scooby Doo this shit.
So far we have doc oc and a lizard.

"Guys! I found him. Haha you can take the chair from the guy but you can't take the guy from the chair."
We went over to Ned and read the news story about a break in at military powerplant outside of town.
"Norman Osborn. He was a brilliant military scientist."
"What do you mean was?" I asked looking at him.
"He died years ago so who you're after is either someone else or you're going after a ghost."
"Well we'll just have to see." I tapped my bracelet and my suit came on.
"Let's go." I kissed Ben and Parker kissed MJ before we left.

"So we're looking for an elf? Emo Spiderman." I asked looking at him as we flew there.
"It's not emo, it's my suit has a stain."
"Whatever you say emo Spidey."
"Oy." With that we landed in the yard and I looked around hearing something.
"What was that?"
"I don't know..." Parker turned around and saw this guy hovering on the electrical cables.
"Oh crap."

I looked at the guy who is pure energy with no body.
That's just weird...
"Parker zap him before he gets any stronger."
"Yeah." Parker shoots off the spell gauntlet and it goes right through him hitting a tree.
"Ok that failed." I made my wings appear and flew up a little.
"So what are you going to do?"
Before I can answer the electric guy shoots a ray at us.
"Ah! You know I was thinking not get zapped for starters!" I flew up and hit him with my magic whip which startled him.
"The hell are you?"
"Name's Angel. Nice to meet you froggy." I flew closer and kicked him in the chest and he went falling but electricity caught him.
Ok that was interesting.

"Parker? Ideas?" I asked on the comm.
The idea apparently is to cut off his power which we did with the help of a sand guy.
So together we killed the power and the electric guy got a human form as pure as the day he was born.
AKA naked.

I landed next to Parker and the sand guy with my wings still out a little and for some reason our other universe visitors are curious about me.
Is there not another me in their universes?
That's just mean.

After explaining the situation a little to our visitors Parker sent them to the cells and we tried our best to fix all the cables.
I got back to the wizard dungeon and saw the multiverse people talking about who they are. May called for Parker's help so off he went.
"So basically you're all science projects gone crazy?' I asked looking at them as I kinda understand how they feel.
I was a science project that according to hydra went crazy.
"To put it so bluntly, bird girl. Yes."

"Really? Bird girl is the best you could come up with?" I responded to Max the electric guy while I hit my bracelet making my suit go away and I was back in my blouse and lose pencil skirt.
"I'm still trying to figure out who the hell you are. Wanna give us some hints?"
"No." I walked back up the stairs to the guys with my heels clicking gently on the stone and kissed Ben before looking at the computer*
"So looks like all we need is the elf guy or ," I looked at Otto"a ghost as you say."
As I said that Parker walks in with him but he's not in his crazy mask, he's in just street clothes.
"Guys this is Dr. Osborn, these are my friends. Ned, MJ, Ash and Ben."

"Mary Jane?"
"It's actually Michelle Jones."
"Fascinating." The doc said as he walked further in with a curious expression on his face and I took the opportunity to look in his mind.

It's Chaos, two voices and minds fighting for dominance.
Genius and Crazy is really a fine line.

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