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We got to Prague and the hotel is very very very nice.
Like there's a gold piano in the corner nice.

After we all have our rooms Parker tells me that Fury wants to talk to us.

So the fire elemental aka the strongest one is here in Prague and going to attack tonight.
As much as we want to say no, we can't.
We worked out a deal with Fury that our classmates and friends are safe and Parker wants a new suit so he doesn't look like spider man.
I'm good in my suit.
We got back to the hotel and they aren't happy about no lights festival instead they're going to the opera. Hahaha.
Ben and Ned are the only ones who know the real reason so they tried and failed at making it sound fun.
I don't blame them. The opera is weird and loud.

Ben and I are in our room getting dressed in our nice clothes.
He's in a nice shirt and blazer while I just have a nice blue dress that I won't even have on for long because before it starts Parker and I have to go fight fire.
"Are you ok?" He asked from the closet.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."
"The fight I got coming up."
"You'll be fine. You have a plan, a suit and Parker."
"Yeah I do."
He gave me a kiss and then we walked out.

I'm circling above watching when I see it.
A giant Lava monster.
Sure why not let's add that.

As Beck is using his powers Parker and I are trying to keep all metal away.
Kinda hard when there's a festival full of Metal rides and such.

To kill the monster Beck did a stupid suicide run which did work but still.

After a lecture from Fury about leading the team and stuff Parker and Beck went to get drinks while I went up on a building and just took a breath.
Man it's been a tiring vacation.

After about a half hour of me just laying on the roof of this building I got a notification from Mia.

Mia is my AI that Tony made for me.
Parker has Edith, Morgan and Pepper have Friday, I have Mia.
When I got her I hooked her up to Ben's phone too so she helps him also.

"Ash Parker just transferred control of Edith over to Beck?" She says with a concerned voice.
"The idiot did what?!" I said sitting up and looking at what she's showing me.
I have a ear cuff on my right ear that is how she talks to me and there's a little screen she makes in front of me when I need to see something.
"Track the glasses. I want a talk with our Mr Beck."

I flew till I found him walking through the streets in his suit.

"Hey Ash." He says with a smile as I landed but before I landed I asked Mia to record the whole conversation we're about to have.

"Hey. So Parker gave you the glasses. Wow."
"Yeah. He wants me to be the next iron man. It's really an honor."
"I'm sure it is. So if you're the new iron man that makes me your leader. A leader who wants answers. Why can't I read your mind? Why can't my powers effect the elementals? How did you even get here?"

"I was wondering when you would come knocking. Asking question after question. It's what you Starks do."
"You're not from another world. Are you?"
"Nope. I'm from this one. With one goal. Become the only Hero in the world."
"Because I deserve it. You know BARF the hologram Tech Tony presented a little before the whole accords  thing happened? That's my tech. I developed it. I made it."
"That's why the elementals are only effected by you. Their fake. As are you."
"Exactly.  People will believe anything when they have nothing else to turn to. Those stupid sheep used to look to the avengers but they are no more and you have done nothing to begin fixing that. So I walk in showing magic and hope they come running asking me to save them. And behold I'm the new iron man."

"Ok I got all that. Why can't I read your mind?"
"Oh that's because of these little devices I have clipped on the back of my neck. They keep pesky telepaths like you out of my head. And my coworkers which is why you haven't noticed the guy behind you."

Before I can react a bag is thrown over my head, I'm over someone's shoulder being taken somewhere.

This is not how I saw this evening going.

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