A lovely morning ya?

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P.O.V Jett

I laid myself out next to the river with my daggers tied closely around my waist, feeling the morning breeze through my pelt. I stood and stretched letting out a yawn and looking at the sun rising on the horizon.

I looked around our territory seeing as I'm the only one awake as of now, I start following the scent of an elk hoping to bring something back to the others for breakfast. I'm making my way to it when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I jump slightly and whip my head in the direction it came from, only to spot midnight black fur with pair of beautiful amber eyes staring at me. The wolf emerges from the grasp of the shadows tints of light blue streaking her fur and teal orbs tied to her waist.

"Where are you going so early?" I sighed in relief knowing it was only Sage "you can't scare me like that" she snorts a little and sits in front of me shaking out her fur "That wasn't the intention Jett, I just never see you up so early."

She gives me a slight grin and I nod to the direction I was following the scent "there's an elk nearby, I wanted to go get it for everyone else." She hums in response and stands "well what are we waiting for? That elk won't wait around all day."

I roll my eyes and turn to follow the scent again but with Sage following behind this time. I track the scent and find the elk grazing on it own, I lower myself and slowly and start making my way to it. I turn my head around and see Sage behind me ready to help.

The elk looks around and spots us, that's when I leap in the air as Sage nears from the ground. I glide down and land right on the elks back, locking my jaws around the back of it's neck as Sage runs up and grabs ahold of it's back leg.

It doesn't take long for us to take it down. Once it's given up on it's fight we sit down next to it and I can feel Sage's eyes on me. "What?" I question her giving her a look, "I'm just checking you for injury's." She says this looking at me with her soft amber eyes.

I nod slightly as her eyes rank up and down my body, she walks over to my other side doing the same thing before nodding seeming satisfied. "Luckily we didn't get far, so the others can come out here and get it their selves."

I chuckle a little not up to dragging this damn thing back "seems fair enough" I lean down grabbing a piece and Sage dose the same before we turn back towards the den to let everyone else know to go and get some before it's gone.

We arrive in front of the den and Sage lays herself down on flat ground before finishing up the chuck of meat she grabbed. She stretches before leaning back on her hind legs and shifting. I stare up at her in awe still never going to get over her biped form.

I stare at her long up done black hair with little ears sticking up from atop her head, my eyes rank her over with her black fur rippling through and covering her chest and lower abdomen. Her tail sticking out from behind swaying in the wind.

I get jealous so I also lean back and shift soon meeting her level, white fur ripples down my body with my hair up in a sloppy bun. My ears stand tall and so dose my tail, "this isn't a competition Jett" Sage says this softly her amber eyes meeting my grey-blue ones.

"I'm aware" I replied back with a smug grin on my face "you just cant be the only one around here that get's to look that beautiful" I finish my statement and Sage shifts back and turns her head away. I follow soon after and finish up my meal.

After I finish up I leave her to whatever and check to see if anyone else is awake. I doesn't take long for me to stumble upon Killjoy passed out next to her turret with a screw driver dropped near her mouth. I look her over and to no one's surprised she's out cold upside down with her paws in the air.

I grab her glasses off her face and rest them on her turret before looking around for anyone else who could be up. Soon I spot the familiar raven fur of a certain someone and of course she's awake. "Viper, lovely morning yeah?"

I say joyfully approaching her but she turns her head to me and gives me a glare that stops me in my tracks. I stand for a second pinned under her emerald eyes before speaking up "I just wanted to let you know there's an elk in the field that I took down earlier with Sage."

She just rolls her eyes, facial expression unreadable under her mask. She stands and heads in the direction of the elk, her poison vials around her waist shinning in the sun. A shiver runs down my spine at the view of the poison and I make my way back to Sage.

I soon spot her in the same spot as before but this time she's in deep conversation with someone else. I get closer to see the other wolf and her fur is black streaked with purple on her ears, muzzle, tail and paws.

I groan seeing Reyna talking with Sage feeling a little jealous, I mean don't get me wrong I don't care what Sage dose with her life. It's just whenever I look at her lately or when I hang out with her I get all warm and giddy.

I huff and make my way over to the two of them and Reyna spots me first "Bueno, ahí está la chica de la hora!" I make a face at her trying to make out what she just said. "What?" I all I can manage to say to her without sounding annoyed.

"It's nothing, I was just leaving since someone over here won't stop talking my ears off about a certain someone." Sage glares at Reyna and all she dose is laugh and wave to us as she turns and walks off, "what was that all about?"

I question Sage this time and she just folds her ears down and answers briefly "oh nothing. Just going over Protocall stuff with her." Sage gives a soft smile and I go to question it more when I'm interrupted. "Neon! I swear to god get over here!"

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