A Quick Change Of Plans

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Jett P.O.V

We had been working for hours before Sage jumps up from her seat excitedly. I look up at her and give her a questioning look, she sees me watching her and she clears her throat before sitting back down looking at her screen.

"Alright, what'd you find?" She looks back up at me and grins waving me over and shows me what she's looking at. "I just found this place. They look like they have pretty good food." I give her a look and she just looks away blushing quickly.

"I just thought it'd be a nice place to go, if you want to go somewhere else we can." Sage awkwardly shifts in her seat tapping her hands on her legs giving me a shy look. I just shake my head at her grinning and take a look at the place she has pulled up.

"It does look good" I scroll through everything and nod looking at Sage "yeah we can go, they look pretty good." Sage grins and she wraps me in a hug then heads off to the room leaving me on my own.

I sit back down and little elderflame looks up at me and I pat him on the head before I pack up what we have set up on the table. I then grab the little guy off the table and I go sit down and start playing with him.

He runs in circles before stopping and rolling over when I hear Sage call me from the other room "Jett! Could you come help me with this real quick!" I stand and my little elderflame follows behind me as I'm walking into the room.

"Yeah what do you need help with..." I trail off stopping in front of her trying to find my words again, I look Sage up and down unable to find the words I'm looking for. "Would you mind helping me with this? I think it's stuck."

I nod unable to speak walking up to her and she pulls her hair out of the way with her back to me and I find where she was talking about and pull the zipper up on her dress that she has on. "S-so where did you get this?"

Sage turns to me before responding "I've had this for a while now just never saw a reason to use it." I look over her short light blue dress then back at her still trying to figure out how this girl likes me back.

"I uh. You look uh. Never mind" Sage looks at me a grin on her face and she brings herself closer to me cuddling up. I hug her back and that's when it dawns on me that I have no clue on what to wear.

"So, what do you want me to dress in?" Sage pulls her head back and looks and me seeming to think when it seems to come to her and she runs off to grab something and brings back hands it to me with a soft smile.

"Try this" I nod and head off to put it on, I pull on the pants and throw on the shirt. I'd admit it's a little odd to wear but it works and looks nice. Sage comes out of the room and looks at it and nods with a smile.

~~20 Minutes Later~~

We arrive at the place and there's a good number of bipeds here, Sage picks up on this quickly and pulls herself closer to me looking around at the others trying to blend in. "Hey, if your nervous we can leave."

She looks at me then back at the others when some one approaches us "How many in your group?" Sage freezes and backs away a little so I step in before questions can be asked "just two."

The woman nods and marks something down and tells us she'll be right back and walks off, "do you want to leave? We can have something nice at the house instead?" Sage just shakes her head and pulls her arms around me.

"I'll be fine, just nervous someone will catch what we are" I nod and wrap an arm around her waist and give her a quick kiss on her forehead when I catch a woman staring at and walks over with an annoyed look.

"Excuse me, but are you two a couple." I look at her hearing her annoyed tone and face and give her a questioning look and response "yeah? What's the problem?" This woman looks like I just said the most offensive thing in the world to her before she responds.

"Do you know how wrong that is?!" I look at her more confused and Sage even looks at her confused. "I don't see where it's wrong-" "You are going to hell! Both of you are sinners and will burn for this!"

I was able to tolerate this woman before but now I'm annoyed I'm about to say something to her when she keeps going "and where is your make up young lady. You are also showing way to much skin you will get kidnapped and used for that outfit."

This comment sends a look of fear over Sage's face and she backs up from this psycho and hides behind me. "Hey how about you screw off. You need to stop scaring my girlfriend and buzz off" I feel a low grow bubbling up in me getting more and more annoyed at her.

"Me? Scaring your girlfriend?! YOU people are traumatizing children and showing them things from the devil!" And that's when I stop holding it back, a low growl leaves me and this woman gives me an even more disgusted look.

"Jett, let's just go" I look over at Sage and she's giving me a look just wanting to leave. I keep my focus on her and relax a little before nodding giving this woman a glare and turning to leave before we get revealed for what we are.

~~Back At The House~~

We walk inside and I head to the table and throw my head on the table. I hear the footsteps of Sage walk up behind me and she rests her hand on my back and crouches down next to me trying to get my attention.

"Jett, we can just have our date here" I turn my head to meet her eyes and she has a look between sad and sympathetic. "Yeah, but you really wanted it there and it got messed up. I wouldn't be as nice here."

Sage huffs and stands heading to the kitchen and grabs leftovers and sets them on the table, she leaves the room for a minute and comes back holding a candle then sets it down getting the elderflame out of his tank and setting him down to light the candle.

After she does that she leaves again but for longer this time, and after a few minutes she comes back holding flowers and sets them down in a cup. After, she grabs plates and sets them down in front of us and taking the coverings off the leftovers before sitting down.

"There. It's not as good but it's better then nothing" I look up at Sage and she has a proud look on her face and I can't help smile at her attempt to make it better. "Thanks Sage, I'm sorry our date didn't go quite as planned."

"It's fine. It's not like we could control what happened there, it's a little upsetting but it's alright because we can make it up here." I nod and we start serving each other and making the most of our semi-ruined date.

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