Broken Hearts

46 3 0

Killjoy P.O.V

It's been a few days after I walked in on Viper and going on a scout mission with Jett. I've been feeling fine since it but Jett, well, has been acting very different and hasn't been feeling quite right since it.

Sage called us earlier saying that Jett has been snapping at her more and been pulling away from her more then normal. Me and Viper just sat down together for a break when there's a knock on the door.

We look at each other before I stand and head over to the door seeing Sage on the other side. "Sage, what are you doing here?" "I need you guys to look at Jett, she's really not normal anymore" she looks at me with pleading eyes and I turn to Viper and she nods.

We make our way over and Sage stops us before we go in, "I wouldn't recommend going in" she pulls up one of our devices and pulls up video. "Here, you can watch her through here" we look at the live video and at first we don't think that's Jett.

We look closer and sure enough it's her just, not her. I pull up a picture on my phone of a creature that humans compare us to that are blood thirsty and are willing to kill anyone, or so that's how humans say it.

"Viper, she looks like the other wolves" she turns her head to me looking at the photo I have pulled up and she nods. "The feral legs, muzzle showing yet she's not in her full wolf form." Viper says this looking at the video before Sage speaks up.

"Is it possible for Diane's to even take this form?" Viper shakes her head "only the other wolves can Diane are physically unable to take this change" I take a look at the video and catch a fast glimpse of something on her.

"Viper let me see that" she nods handing it to me and I zoom in to Jett's neck and I see a faded light that's blinking very slowly. I hand it back and I head over to the door and once I rest my hand on the knob Viper and Sage stop me.

"Please don't go in there, Jett's not herself she can hurt you or worse kill you" I can see Viper glaring at me which her look says more then she'd say but I just shrug them off. "Don't worry I'll be in and out with Jett back to normal."

The two of them look at each other as I open the door and head in closing it behind me, my eyes catch on the Elderflame's tank and the little guy is as stiff as a board. When I see this then look back and spot Jett staring at me I swallow, fear settling in on what's happening.

Jett nears me, more animal like then ever, her eyes glowing bright and growls leaving her throat. I look carefully and I spot the thing on her neck, I get closer and I got to grab it quickly to find it's under the skin, or fur in this case.

Her eyes and head quickly snap to me and what happens next is so quick I have think for a second on what's happening. My throat throbs in pain feeling her dagger like teeth digging into it. I get my hands around her jaws and try and pry them open only making it worse.

I start feeling my air fading as her jaw gets tighter and I feel blood start to drip and I try whatever I can to get out of this but there's not much I can do without ripping my own throat out. I think a little longer time running thin as my air becomes nothing when I get an idea.

I release my nails making them as sharp as they are in my wolf form I quickly raise them when time seems to slow. I remember back on everything that's happened. "Wining requires sacrifice." "Work needs to be done Killjoy, cuddles later."

I feel my eyes fill with tears as I remember everything and my nails slice through Jett's neck and hook onto the object yanking it out and her jaw tightens all the way through I feel the blood and tears fall as this is the worst pain I've ever felt.

My sight and sound go fuzzy I can her a bang and the sight of something in Jett's jaws, my neck is in agony no sound come out when I hear the last words I'd ever hear again "Klara I lo-!"

Jett P.O.V

I huff and snap my hand to my neck feeling blood there. I taste blood in my mouth and that's when I feel I'm holding something I spit it out and it's flesh and organs and when look around I spot Sage standing in horror, Viper on the floor and, Killjoy.

I look at her seeing her throat ripped out and that's when it hits me, I did this. I try to near her but Viper's head snaps up to me "stay away from her you monster!" I pull back and shift to my wolf form and run.

I bolt upstairs and hide under the bed curling up as small as I can covering my head and trying to block out the sound of crying. I wrap my tail around myself and shift and start crying myself. I can't believe I killed my friend. I am a monster.

I hear footsteps and catch the familiar scent of my beloved and I hide myself more, "Hawk, I know your in here, I know you didn't mean to do that." I don't answer I just fold my ears down pulling my tail in "Jett, please come out from under there."

I hear her soft voice trying to bring me out but I still refuse "Jett, your hurt please come out so I can heal you." "No, I'll just hurt you to...I'm a monster" I hear her sigh and she sits down on the bed "your not a monster, Hawk. Your far from it, Viper didn't mean it she's just hurting."

I nod to myself and shift and push my head out from under the bed and look at her. Sage looks down at me and forces a small smile when she sees me "let me heal that and we'll head down okay? Viper has something she wants to say to you."

I shift to my wolf form and come out before shifting back and Sage stands and rests her head against mine, "none of this is your fault" she pulls back taking out an orb and puts it to my neck healing the scratches there.

We head downstairs and spot Viper laying with her head on Killjoy's chest and I hear her sniffling which is rare. Hearing us enter she picks her head up wiping her eyes quickly like nothing ever happened but the redness in her eyes clear.

"Jett I apologize for my actions" I nod to her when something dawns on me. "Sage" she looks at me and I pull her aside and I talk in a hushed tone so Viper doesn't hear "can't you bring her back?" she thinks for a minute and nods "I can, we just have to get Viper away from her to do it."

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