Time For The Mission

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Killjoy P.O.V

I stand back with my bot as Jett runs to Sage and makes a break for it. I turn my focus to Viper as she stands there holding the vile to the bipeds neck as he slowly gets limper in her hands before she drops him.

"There." She says the coldly her voice echoing through her mask as she takes off her poison launcher and hands it to me. "I need you to fix this, it jammed so I couldn't use it." She turns looking at my bot and rolls her eyes before speaking up.

"And don't give it legs. I just want it un-jammed. I mean it." She glares at me her emerald eyes piercing through my soul. I nod my head quickly and she turns away but speaks up before walking off "Brimstone wants everyone to meet to discuss what happened today. Be there."

Viper turns and leaves and I follow after as we head to meet up with Brimstone and the others. It doesn't take long for us to get there and the first thing noticeable is Jett standing with her arms crossed tapping her foot.

I go to shift back to my wolf form when Brimstone shows up and he's in his biped form. I look around and so is everyone else which I didn't notice before from being focused on Jett. "Alright. That attack today was way to close to our territory."

He stops for a second looking us all over "Because of that, there is going to be a mission set and five of you will be sent." Brimstone stops again checking something before speaking up "Sage will not be joining the group since she needs to rest. So, Skye, you will be the first one in the group."

Skye nods and leaves to get things ready "I will also send Killjoy, Viper, Jett and Phoenix" I'm about to turn and leave when Jett speaks up "No." Everyone turns all eyes on her and Brimstone gives her a look."

"What was that" he gives her a hard look daring her to say it again. "I said no. I'm not leaving Sage" Brimstones expression doesn't change but his body stiffens, his anger rising. "I wasn't asking if you wanted to go, Jett."

"And I was telling you no so you have to choose someone else to go" Brimstone's ears pull back and he nearly growls out his next response. "You are going Jett, you have been assigned to this mission so your going."

Anyone sane enough would back off but Jett just challenges him, her ears pull back and she growls her response. "I'm. Not. Going. Get that through your head old man!" Everyone freezes at her words, even Viper turns and looks at her in shock.

Jett turns and heads in the direction of the healers den leaving everyone in silence. Except Brimstone. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose "you all will leave in the morning, if Sage is stable and willing she will be in Skye's place. If not Neon will be joining you all on the mission."

He looks in her direction and she nods in return "I want all of you ready to go at 8 sharp. No more nonsense, I've had enough today already." Everyone agrees before heading off to their own thing or getting ready not wanting to piss off Brimstone anymore.

As everyone heads their own way I decide to tag along with Viper, "hey, Sabine wait up!" She whips her head around at me her emerald eyes piercing into me, anger in her eyes more then ever since her mask is on.

"What did you just call me maus." I stop in my tracks realizing I just called her by her real name where others could hear. She turns and starts to advance on me I back away with my hands up defensively "look Sa-Viper I didn't mean to call you that."

I feel my back hit a rock behind me and Viper nears until she's almost pressed up against me. I turn my head down slightly look her in the eye I can feel a grin wanting to makes it's way across my face. "It's hard to be scared of you when your shorter then me."

This gets a harder glare from her and if looks could kill I'd probably be dead by now. "Never, call, me, that, again." I nod quickly and she turns and continues on to her quarters. I'm about to leave her be but I need to work on her poison launcher so I follow her anyway.

~~The Next Day~~

Everyone is up bright and early ready for Brimstone's signal, I see Viper and Phoenix here but I look around a little more and see Jett pouting. I head over to her and she turns her look to me "Hey, sorry Brimstone made you come without Sage."

Jett just gives me a confused look raising a brow at me "She's here." I raise a brow back at her and she points to Sage walking over like nothing happened. "Then why are you so upset?" Jett is about to respond but Sage answers for her.

"We have to interact with bipeds so clothes and hiding wolf features are needed and she's not happy about it." I nod "it's unconfutable." Sage just sighs looking at her "know what's more unconfutable? Being shoved in cages and tested on, so keep them hidden."

Jett nods quickly looking at Sage before looking back to the ground. "Killjoy get over here!" I look over at Viper and make my way over to her. Once I get closer to her she looks just as unconfutable as Jett maybe even more so.

"What do you need?" She sighs and I see her holding something "Brimstone assigned Jett and Sage together and Phoenix is going to be on his own." Viper looks more unconfutable then I have ever seen her in my life.

"So, we have been assigned together. Where we'll be set up is three houses, Sage and Jett will be in one, Phoenix will be in one and of course that means me and you will be in one together." Viper sighs before speaking up again.

"The others already know what their doing and what roles their playing. Cypher gave us cameras to set up all around the town and the places we'll be staying to keep on the look out for hunters that have it out for us."

I nod along with everything she's saying and Viper starts to shift in place before revealing what looks like a shirt from behind her. "Put this on, we're going undercover." I take it and I'm about to unfold it to look at it when Viper stops me.

"Don't. you can look at it once you put it on." I give her a questioning look but nod and set it down with my equipment "Viper I fixed your launcher last night!" She gives me a look as I take out her launcher for her just the way it was and fixed up.

"Already?" I nod "you probably were gonna need it for the mission so I stayed up late fixing it up." I hand it over to her and she takes it from me looking it over. "It will now launch your poison faster and farther." Viper looks at me then the launcher and nods before letting out a quiet 'thank you'.

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