A Day's Start

46 0 0

Jett P.O.V

I wake up the next morning with a yawn and stretch not feeling sore this morning for the first time in ages. I feel the bed under me and it's soft, very soft actually, where I almost don't want to get up and I nearly don't when I look around the room and get an idea.

I stand and leave the bedroom and head to where our weapons are stored. I start taking our stuff out including the tank with the little elderflame in it. I slowly start setting up all the guns on the shelves and putting the elderflame's tank on the counter.

It doesn't take long for me to do this and the final shelf holds Sage's healing orbs and my daggers. I looked around admiring my efforts to make it nice and neat and where everything could be seen and grabbed quickly if needed.

I walk over to the elderflame's cage and take the little guy out and he quickly runs up my arm and sits on my shoulder. I reach my hand up and scratch his head and I start heading back to the room to wake up Sage.

When I get to the room the door is shut which I don't remember doing when I left the room, I go to open the door when I stop hearing something. I pull my hand back listening to see if I hear anything else and yeah, I do quietly but there.

I stand there a little longer before I realize what's happening, I pull away from the door and look over at the little elderflame. He looks at me with a confused face and I set him down on the table before heading back to the room and knock on the door.

I listen a little longer and no response, so I knock again and nothing. I put my ear to the door and I still hear it so I close my eyes and opening the door with my face turning red. I stand closing the door an shockingly nothing is said.

I slowly open my eyes and Sage is still out cold, I look at her confused and I hear a small moan escape her. I walk over to the bed and pull the blanket back and nope nothing she's definitely sleeping.

I look her over and that's when it dawns on me. I just stare at her in shock, out of everyone I know I would never guess Sage would be the one to have these dreams. I go to leave but I can't pull myself away from the sight in front of me.

I freeze again when I hear her moan again, quietly but she definitely did.  My eyes snap to her and I look her over, her legs are pulled together and her tail is going. At this point I'm lost staring at her and at this point there's no way for me to pull myself away from watching her.

I can't help myself any longer and I walk to the other side of the bed and get on sitting next to Sage. I pull myself closer to her until I'm sitting next to her and her scent fills my senses and the scent of lust takes over half.

I lean down towards her and I sniff her neck taking in her scent even more before pulling back and realizing how weird this looks but we are alone so no one is really here to judge us. I keep my focus on her a little longer until I hear her moan again and that's when something ticks in me and I shoot down to her.

My arms pin on either side of her and I lean back down to her neck and sniff her before nipping the skin where her neck and shoulder meet. Sage moans again before stirring and her eyes flutter open and her eyes lock on mine.

I freeze in place and just stare back at her my face getting redder the longer we lay here like this. "I uh, this isn't what it looks like?" Sage looks at me not seeming fazed until realization seems to settle in.

"How uh, how long have you been there" my ears drop and I pull back from her to give her space before I respond "a couple of minutes.." Sage sits up and reaches her hand to her neck feeling where I nipped her and she becomes red in the face.

She looks at me giving me a look before I continue "I came to get you up to show you something I did out there but but when I came back I uh, I heard you moan" Sage get's redder in the face looking at me and pulls her legs closer to herself.

I turn away when I look back at her a smirk growing "so, what were you dreaming about?" Sage's eyes widen and suddenly she jumps up heading to the door "a-anyway show me what you were working on out here!"

I roll my eyes at her avoiding the question and I stand up heading to the door, "you can ignore the question for now but I do want to know later." I laugh as I hear her groan in annoyance and I open the door and lead Sage out to show her what I had worked on.

I head over to the table and reach my hand out and the little elderflame runs up my arm and sits himself back on my shoulder when Sage comes out and looks around the newly designed room and grins at the set up.

"This will work perfectly, just, we can't let any bipeds see this other wise they will get suspicious." She laughs looking at everything then back at me seeing the little elderflame on my shoulder and grins.

"You just had to bring that little guy with huh?" I nod cuddling up with him and giving him a pat on the head. Sage walks over to me and rests her head on my shoulder that doesn't have the elderflame on it.

I wrap my arms around her waist and Sage follows right after, nuzzling into my neck and lets out a relaxed sigh. "Jett, could we go out and do something today? Y'know after we finish up the work needed?"

I nod "we could, just have to figure out what to do, and something that doesn't reveal us to the bipeds" Sage snuggles closer and nods "would it be possible to, well..." Sage trails her sentence and lefts her head and turns away slightly.

"What was it you had in mind?" Sage awkwardly shifts holding onto me still "could we, if it wouldn't be to much. Could we go to dinner?" I look at her and grin at her embarrassment at asking this.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Sage quickly looks at me and her face gets red. "I-I well sorta.." I can't help the laugh that escapes me from her struggle to ask something as simple at that from how bold she was back at HQ in the field when we were training.

"Yeah, we can go out. Just pick somewhere and we can go there." Sage grins and nods pulling off of me and heads off to start working on stuff for protocol brimming with excitement for a our date later.

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