Finishing The Date PT.2

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Jett P.O.V

I stare Sage in the eyes feeling fine before but, now that groan? I'm more aroused after hearing it and I start trying to find ways to get more sound out of her. I lean forward and find right where her neck and shoulder meet and set my mouth on her sucking on the pulse.

She lets out a whimper followed by a gasp and she grabs onto my shoulders just for something to squeeze. I pull back leaving a mark and I watch her with eyes full of passion "Jett, please, I need you."

I comply and fixate my eyes to her collar bone, I first drag my finger across both sides and end that with my finger resting in the dip of her collar bone and finally dragging it down to her breast bone and pull my hand away wanting to give her the real treatment.

I lean my head down following the same pattern my finger just traced with my mouth. Sage squirms under me when I nip her right in the dip of her collar bone and ending it with kisses down her breast bone before I pull away and I give Sage a smug look.

She gives me a confused look in return before I lean down one last time tracing the pattern with my tongue this time. Sage gasps under me and I can hear her heart racing as I trace this pattern again.

When I'm done her breathing has quickened and she's getting desperate for any relief she can get, "Hawk, please stop teasing me" she looks at me with begging eyes so I give in so the real show can start.

"Alright, I can stop up here" her head whips in my direction and her eyes are wide as she looks at me trying to read what I have in mind. I turn us again so Sage's back is facing the bed and I slowly start pushing her back until her legs meet with it.

Her eyes fill with excitement knowing what's soon to come and she easily lets me push her down. She pushes herself up with her elbows and watches as I straddle her and she lets out a growl of want.

I place my hand on her chest and lay her down, I hover over her pushing her back against the headboard and she lets a small moan escape encouraging me. I lower my head and allow myself to kiss down her stomach while keeping my eyes on her.

She keeps her eyes on me until I get just above where she needs me the most causing her to throw her head back and she bites her lip. I clear my throat to get her to focus on me and once I get her eyes met with mine, I start featherily brushing my fingers up her sides.

She squirms at the touch and once I know her eyes will stay locked on mine I start licking up the path I just took down her stomach. Sage's eyes widen and she throws her head up grasping the bed with all her might.

Once I stop below her chest I pull my head back staring at her and a smirk grows on my face, "sensitive? Or am I just that good?" Her head comes back down to level with me and she just gives me a glare and I can only laugh.

"Someone's eager" Sage just growls getting impatient and annoyed with my teasing and just wants me to get to it. "Alright, alright I'll get to it. You a quite pushy" all I can do is laugh as I lower myself back down to where she needs me.

I lower myself to where I'm just hovering where she needs me, I pull her legs over my shoulders before I dive into her and the second I touch her, her head is back and she's gasping loudly. I continue with the task at hand when I feel I hand grab tightly in my hair.

I flick my eyes up and see a beautiful sight of Sage's head thrown back, her hand is in my hair and her free head is looking for anything to grasp onto until it finds the bedding and she tightens her grip.

Her hand tugs in my hair and I push on her harder getting a deep throaty moan from her, "ah-ha~ J-jett~" and that was all I needed to hear to be even more aroused then I already was. I get mischievous and a new idea comes to mind.

I continue what I'm working on when I nip her a little and that get's an even better reaction "oh fuck Jett- h-harder~" I adore her responses to every little thing I do to her, and I'm intoxicated from her beautiful moans and smells.

I can smell her getting there so I slowly pull back moving to her thighs and giving her attention there. It takes a minute for her to realize that my mouth stopped but when she does I start making my way up her and stare her down lust building in our eyes.

I keep her locked on my eyes until my fingers are hovering right where my mouth just was and she takes quick notice. I start tracing circles around where she wants and needs it, she growls at me giving me a look.

"If you tease m-me like this I better feel it t-tomorrow." She's so sensitive that she can't get things out without breaths in between or stuttering, and I love it. After a minute of teasing I finally give her what she wants.

I start with one finger and her eyes are wider then I've ever seen them, I slowly start thrusting my finger and Sage responds quickly. Her jaw clenches and she sucks breaths in through her teeth, her eyes go half lidded and she's losing herself.

I add a second finger and that's when the moaning starts. Each thrust I make is followed by a moan, "Jett I-I'm close please!" That's all I needed to hear, I pick up my speed and her breaths are quicker and her moans are higher and quicker.

I go for a little longer until her hand snaps to my neck her other on my back. "J-Jett!" and after that I feel something like daggers drag down my back and her hand on my neck tightens and she practically screams when it happens.

I pull my hand back and Sage collapses hands still holding onto me for dear life, I clean off my hand and she finally releases her killer grip from me. Sage pants relaxing in the after glow, she opens her eyes look at me and grins.

"Okay, I'll admit. That was amazing Jett" she lays herself out catching her breath "are you satisfied?" Sage opens her eyes and flicks her gaze to me and goes to speak but she just continues getting the air she needs and that's all the answer I need.

"Here, you stay there and I'll take care of you" I stand and head to the bathroom and grab a towel and soak it and squeeze out any excess water then bring it back into the room and Sage is still laid out slowly getting her breath back.

I sit down next to her and rest the towel over her legs and clean her up before laying down next to her giving her a quick kiss. "Jett you better be ready to help me tomorrow, because I'm going to feel this." I laugh and we cuddle up and end our night like that.

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