Calm After The Storm

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Jett P.O.V

I sit myself down avoiding eye contact with Viper after Sage leaves to go work on things. It seems to be going fine until Viper speaks up "I can't believe you did this" I look up at her and she's looking down but I can see anger forming on her.

Her eyes flick up to face me and anger flares in them "how could you" her voice comes out low and anger grips to every word. She tilts her head up looking at me full on. Her tail flicking, ears pulled back, fists clenched and snarling.

"Uh, Viper.." I look at her and she nears me growling low, she shifts to her wolf form and lunges at me grabbing ahold of my leg biting down. Hard. I yelp in pain and shift to my new found form and lift my hand and my claws come down over her eye and she jumps back shifting out of her wolf form.

She lifts her hand to her eye feeling the blood warmly on her face as it drips, she glares at me and I pull away turning twords the downstairs room. I limp my way to it and open the door and shutting it quickly making my way over to the bed and laying down slowly moving my bloody leg.

I rest on the bed and turn on my side resting my head on the pillow and I softly whimper at the pain shooting through. I lay looking at the wall just wanting Sage to come back and just hold me. I lay and let my eyes flutter close and let myself drift off to sleep feeling the pain in my leg.

~~2 hours later~~

I awake feeling drowsy and light headed, I look down to my leg and there's a huge puddle of blood surrounding my leg. I whine and lay my head back down when I hear the front door open and I hear Sage's voice. "Viper where's Jett?" I don't hear anything for a minute until Viper speaks up.

"She's in the room over there" "okay are you alright?" Again silence. "I'm fine" "could you look up then?" I hear a slight sound then Sage speaks "what happened to your eye?!" "Ask Jett" and that's where it ends and I hear foot steps quickly making their way to the room and Sage throws the door open and sees me.

"What happened Hawk?!" She rushes over next to me and looks at my leg pulling out a healing orb and bringing it to my leg healing it. "Let me guess, Viper bit you?" I look her in the eyes and nod "then I shifted into my new form and scratched her back" she nods in understanding before speaking.

"I want you to lay here while I get you something to drink and make you something, I don't want you getting up at all" I nod and push myself up slightly but fall again. "Are you okay Hawk?" I just shake my head "I feel light headed" a nervous look crosses Sage's face and she nod "just stay there you've lost to much blood."

I roll my eyes and groan not being allowed to move is like clipping a birds wing, I need to move. But Sage picks up quickly and responds before leaving "once your better you can move around again just stay there for now" after that she leaves and after a minute I hear a bit of shouting then quite talking and finally silence.

I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling debating what I can do while laying here but nothing comes to mind when Sage walks through the door holding a glass of water. "Here, drink this for now." She sets it down on the night stand and leaves again and that's when the scent of food catches my attention.

I push myself up smelling the amazing smells and I pick up the water Sage left me and I drink I quickly. After I drink it I feel my headache weaken a bit and I realize that I might be dehydrated on top of this. I wait a little longer and Sage comes in to check on me seeing the empty glass she picks I up and refills it.

Sage hands it back to me and I drink it quickly, finishing every little drop. "I guess your dehydrated Jett" I nod and set the glass down "let me go finish the food and I'll be right back" she grabs the cup and leaves the room and that's when I look down and see the big blood puddle on the bed still.

I push myself up and carefully move my leg since it's still a bit sore and I pull the blanket away to see that blood did soak through to the fitted sheet. I groan and pull it up and I have it about halfway off when Sage walks back in. "Jett's what are you doing? Your not supposed to be up."

She says this with concern in her voice and she sets the plates down and sits down next to me. "Blood leaked through to that mattress" I say this looking at her hoping she'd understand where I'm coming from with this and she just sighs before standing and taking all the bedding off.

"You eat, I'll be back" she takes it and I pick up the plate she brought and my eyes light up seeing she made a mix of Chinese food and Korean food. I eat it quickly yet slowly enjoying the flavor feeling my tail wagging at how good it is. By the time she gets back with a blanket I'm already way done with it.

"Can I assume you liked it?" I nod quickly as she drapes the blanket over me and sits down on the bed with her own plate. "I sent Viper home and had her set uh Killjoy in the other room." I swallow looking down still feeling awful about what happened, "I'll call the others in the morning and explain what's going on."

I nod a little nervous on what they'll say knowing what happened to her "Hawk?" I turn to her from being lost in thought and she gives me a soft smile. "It's going to be okay" I grin at that remembering what happened a few days ago. "It's funny Sage, just a few days ago I was telling you it would be okay."

Sage chuckles at that "well isn't that what couples do? We help each other through everything" I give her a soft smile and she sets her plate on the night stand and sits next to me. I push myself up and grab her hand and give it a soft squeeze and she grins at me, I get a playful urge and pull her down onto me and she laughs.

I grin at her and she leans in and licks my face and I bust out laughing and wrap my arms around her. She grins at me and I kiss her cheek and she snuggles into the crook of my neck and I rest my head on hers feeling her ears fold to the sides and her tail wrap around me. Soon her breathing slows to a steady pace and I smile "I love you Sage." I whisper to her and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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