Round 1

46 1 0

Neon P.O.V

I look myself over a nod "yeah I guess so, I still here even after all of that." I'm about to sit down when I catch the sweet smell of something and I catch Sage eating something I've never seen before. "What are those?" I point to the container and she finishes the bite before talking.

"Strawberries. Jett found them and picked them up for us. Their really good, do you want a couple?" I nod and she hands me some and I eat one quickly. Once I bite into it, it tastes so sweet that I can't help but finishing another. "You were right, these are good. I'm going to talk these back with me, let me know if you get more."

I slip away with the strawberries before any other comment can be made, by anyone. I re-enter the room and Fade is curled up on the bed and she lifts her head when she hears me enter. She looks at me then at what I'm holding and quirks a brow at me.

"What are those?" I hand them to her and she picks one up looking at it "eat it" she bites into it and grins. She finishes it and looks at the second one I have. Her tail wags and she lowers her head slightly folding her ears.

I laugh and pick up the last one and hold it and she stares at me. I lift it and bite half of it and hand the other half to her, she finishes it and growls at me. "I've done nothing to you" I laugh and put my hands up in defense.

I sit down next to her and Fade rests her head on me "can I ask you something?" she looks at me and nods "so, what if I said I over heard a conversation between two people about two people?" Fade quirks a brow at me and sighs "Jett and Killjoy about us?"

"I-" "I heard them to" I look down at my lap and she clears her throat. I look up and right as I do she leans halfway and looking up and down, I nod and she closes the gap between us and she tastes like coffee and sugar.

We pull back from each other and I stare at her lips and lean back and kiss her again soaking in this moment before she gets rough and pushes me down. She pulls back and I stare up at her panting "Fade...not right now."

She huffs at me and sits back and fiddles with something "I mean, we could but, you know they'd hear us for sure." She side eyes me and I look away from her tapping my legs. "We could keep quiet."

I look at her and I give her a questioning look "and how would you do that?" she stands and covers my mouth with her hand and I give her a look. "Trust me it'll work" I roll my eyes at her and I allow her to push me back on the bed and a look flares up in her eyes.

She leans down again and kisses me but forcefully and I feel her piercings brush up against my chin and I get an idea. She pulls back but I follow and grab one of her piercings between my teeth and she gives me a look.

"What are you doing?" I give her a smug grin in return "what? Am I not allowed to mess with you?" I think I've got her but she moves her hand and squeezes my ass and I give a gasp in return "I'm not going to be as forgiving next time Tala."

She says my name so nicely, the way it rolls off her tongue it makes me feel a different way then I do when others say it. Her hands roam my stomach and she growls in satisfaction "you look so nice, so strong, I'm sure keeping up won't be a problem."

She decides this is enough and grabs my leg bringing it over her shoulder leaving kisses as she makes her way up with the occasional bite in-between each as she makes her way up my leg. She stops before her destination and grins "you are already so aroused aren't you?"

I groan in response and she gives in cupping her hand over me. The heat from her hand and the burning in my core is making this unbearable and she knows it. After holding this for a second she decides it's time for her to give in and she does so quickly.

"Keep quiet, can't let them know what we're doing" I nod and she sticks one finger in and I let out whimpers, she adds a second and I try to grind down to take it as much as I can before she adds a third and I have to silence myself before something escapes.

"You took three so easily, good girl" I cover my mouth as best as I can whimpers escaping as she starts pumping her fingers but only slowly. I try and grind with the movement but she only stops and I whine, desperate for her to continue.

"Let me do it Tala, all you have to do is relax" I nod and she continues and soon curling her fingers in just the right way that I cover my mouth with my other hand as I moan trying to mute it as much as possible.

"H-hit me there again, please.." She nods curling her fingers there and pumping them making me squirm and I so desperately want to moan out her name but at this risk I have to fight it. She slows down and brings her face near me and locks eyes with me as she slides her tongue taking in everything she can.

"I love the way you taste Tala, I could do this all day" She continues and keeps hitting me in the right spot, I reach up and grab her head pushing her onto me and she continues her attack on my lower half all while I'm forced to mute myself.

Soon she introduces new torture and starts sucking and biting and it's all to much. My eyes roll back as I grasp her hair pulling here and there and she speeds up. My hips buckle and I let out a gasp and my mussels tense and I pull her hair tighter as I release on her and she helps me ride it out and she slows down eventually stopping, taking her fingers out and pulling back.

She stands and leaves me panting on the bed but my body cries out for more even with just finishing and I force myself up on my arms and I watch her my eyes giving her a silent plea. She looks at me and taking the hint.

"More? You aren't exhausted yet?" I shake my head sitting myself up fully and she catches sight of my hand. "You must have really enjoyed that" I nod flexing my hand and it's sore but not horrible.

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