Chapter 23

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~~three weeks later~~

Neon P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since I met Fade and been staying with Sage and Jett. Thankfully everyone is starting to trust each other and starting to get along which is a lot when someone is always watching and hovering over every move Fade makes.

"Life here has been so, interesting, compared to life back home." I say this aloud looking over everything I have written out to send back to Brimstone. I hear a hum behind me and Fade is sitting behind me looking over a bunch of technical stuff.

"What is that?" I ask her this watching what she's doing not recognizing any of it "this is the information I need to personally email the company and blackmail them until they remove any and all footage of everyone." She types in a few more things before an eye with a cloud around it appears and she sends a message.

"Hey I recognize that symbol" I point at it on her screen and she nods "best part is all of these messages are being sent from around the world, or so they think that's what's happening." I watch in awe as she sends these with tons of information she found hidden on them.

"So that's how you got all that information?" She nods before pushing her laptop away and turning towards me. She reaches her arms above her head and stretches out and I find myself ranking over her until she catches me staring at her.

I quickly turn away looking out the window seeing that it's dark out, I stand heading to the door when she stops me. "Where are you going?" I turn and gesture her to follow and I lead her out the door and quietly down the stairs.

"So, what are you doing?" I quickly rush over and cover her mouth looking towards Jett and Sage's room hoping they didn't wake up. When no one leaves the room I sigh and give her a glare before pushing her out the front door.

"If they woke up we'd be so dead" Fade scoffs "We? No this was your idea" I growl at her and take a quick look around "okay we should be fine." I quickly make my way to the side of the house and drag Fade along with me.

"So, what was so important that you had to drag me along with whatever you're planning?" I laugh "whatever really, no one needs to know." Fade shrugs then looks up "cameras, they'll know."

I huff and build up electricity about to aim it when Fade stops me "allow me." She makes a quick gesture with her hand and a dark mist covers the cameras. I quirk a brow at her and she smirks at me, "all they see is darkness, and it doesn't destroy the cameras."

She turns her gaze to me and looks me up and down "I caught you looking before, don't think I didn't" I hold my breath as she nears me and pins me to the wall. I hold my breath feeling her breath on my lips and my heart starts racing.

Electricity shocks through me and zaps her and she jumps back quickly and a light shines on us. I look in the direction of the light and zoning in on the figure holding it, "Neon. You have some explaining to do."

The light lowers and Sage is staring back at me, " Sage I can explain what's going on here, sorta." I blink and she's gone. I look around quickly and Fade is laughing "you actually fell for that, didn't think it was that realistic."

I huff at her and she rolls her eyes in return "if we actually got caught we'd be so dead" she shakes her head "you'd be dead not me" I swat her in the arm and slide down the wall "why is it that humans hate us? Don't they know that the hunter came after us first?"

Fade sighs and sits next to me "It's not that simple, we're different, which makes us, in their eyes, dangerous." Fade speaks softly resting her hand on my leg gently. I sigh looking around the area lights shinning though windows, seeing something in the corner of my eye.

I stand staring off into the night and catch a figure standing there I shift and quickly hide under a bush and Fade stands "Fade get down!" bang It happens so fast. One second she's up next she falls and is still.

I rush out and rub up against her, I hear her heart beating slow but there. A dart sticks out from her neck and I quickly grab it and pull it out and I rest my head on her back. I hear footsteps near and I raise my head looking in the direction of the footsteps.

I expect to see Sage or Jett even but it's neither of them. I swallow hard seeing a human walking up holding a bunch of stuff. "Now this was easier then I had thought. Two for one? Our boss will love this."

I stand growling as he nears "easy wolf, I'll hit you with the same thing I did you're friend." I growl more and he fires a dart at me hitting my neck and I just roll my eyes at him. "Try better next time freak."

He pulls out his phone pointing it at me "this vicious wolf killed it's friend and is now trying to murder me" he nears keeping his phone on me at all times and he takes something out from behind him.

"Oh no you don't" I jump around him biting his wrist and sending pulses of lightning through him. He falls but not without me falling to another human first, the other person grabs Fade and another grabs the guy and turns to leave.

I struggle to stand watching them carry Fade's limp body away and I do the best and only thing I can think of, howl. I howl as loud as my body allows and as long as I can until I hear more rapid footsteps and soon Sage is facing me.

"What happened here?!" I pant trying to stand but something holds me down and I look up at her with pleading eyes "Fade, they took her..." I breath out and Sage looks around and a truck drives off quickly a cage shimmering in the back as I struggle to stand.

At first it's only Sage then Jett is next to her with a concerned look on her face then next is Phoenix looking confused and concerned. Soon they are followed by Viper and Killjoy who look like they got ready in a rush.

It's silent for a while until Viper speaks up "what happened here?" my ears drop and Sage kneels down next to me. "You guys know how we've had all this information lately?" "Yeah, how does that relate to this?" Phoenix's voice comes out calm yet worried.

"Well before Neon got here she ran into our bounty hunter, or our blackmailer for better understanding. She brought her here and we didn't trust her for obvious reasons but she's been helping us with everything."

Jett looks at Sage and Sage looks at me "what happened?" I sigh and with every ounce of strength I have left I look towards everyone "we snuck out before and came out here to just sit for a while." I stop hearing a muffled laugh from Jett and I turn and growl at her.

She puts her hands up in surrender and I continue "it was fine until I saw a figure, he neared us and I shifted and hid, but.." I stutter holding back everything before I continue "Fade didn't, she stood up to him and got shot." I nudge the dart I pulled it of her neck to towards them and Killjoy picks it up.

"I took that out but she was out cold and he walked closer and I fought him. I looped around and bit him sending every ounce of electricity to him but, I went down as well when his friends showed up."

I stop gathering the rest of my strength "I tried to stand but they took her away before I could and then, Sage showed up." Sage rests her hand on me looking down at me and I hear Killjoy speak "Neon, I think you short-circuited your own body from what you did."

I sigh and hold back tears by forcing my eyes shut and turning away. "Neon we have to get you inside, your bleeding and exhausted. Your condition won't help us find her." I give in and soon I'm lifted and gently brought inside.

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