Chapter 24

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Neon P.O.V

My eyes flutter open at the glare of the sun in my eyes and when I look around everyone is passed out on the floor. "W-what's happening.." Sage jumps up quickly and rushes over to me "How are you feeling?"

I rest my paw on my head feeling a slight headache "fine besides a headache" I push myself up and look around shifting and my heart drops. "Where's Fade?!" I shout this and it wakes everyone up as I stand stumbling a little.

"Neon sit down" I turn and growl rushing outside looking around and the sun blinds me and someone pulls me inside. "Hey! Let me go!" I turn around and Jett's holding onto me and the others are watching me.

~~That Night~~

I'm laying down staring at the ceiling as the others are working downstairs. I look out the window and get an idea, I look out the window opening it quietly watching the door as I do so. I push out the screen and look for a good landing spot.

I look back one more time before I jump out landing comfortably on the ground, I shift and start sprinting down the road at full speed following where the truck went. Quickly I make it into town and slow down looking at everything taking it all in.

It's going fine until I hear someone shout "Blue wolf!" I freeze and turn around and people are watching me. They pull out phones aiming them at me, I pull down tucking my tail in as they near from all sides.

I look around and find an opening and dash before they can get any closer, I run quickly and hide behind a bush. I sniff around and finally catch a familiar scent. Fade. My ears perk up and I follow it quickly trying to get to her quickly.

I find a building with fencing all around. It's tall so can't jump it so I creep around the side and start digging. I quickly make a hole big enough I can squeeze in and dig under looking around and the second I'm in all I feel is fear.

I hunker down crawling across the floor seeing a bunch of different animals laying down with their heads covered and shaking. I look up and spot a window with black and red smoke dripping out of it and fear leaves me quickly.

I back up before running into a jump just barely making the jump, when I'm up I look down and my heart rate speeds up when I spot it. My tail wags and I jump down and she looks up quickly "Neon?" I speed over and lay next to her resting my head on her leg.

"I thought you were dead you moron" she rests her hand on me before speaking "takes more then that to kill me." I look around and three walls are stone and one is metal bars leaving no way to get out.

I look at Fade and spot a cut on her arm, I stand and examine it until I hear footsteps and turn to the bars. Soon a human is standing before us and I let out a deep growl getting on defense "I don't know how you got here pest but no matter, we finally found one for you."

He looks at Fade and another human comes over dragging a wolf by a collar and throwing it in the cage with us. I look at him and he stares back and then the humans leave, "who are you?" I glare at him and he backs away "I mean no harm just leave me out of your sorcery."

He lays down on the other side of the cells as far as possible from us and I look back at Fade. I breath a sign of relief before I shift and wrap my arms around her and lay my head on her shoulder. "You have no clue what I went through to find you." I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and a head rest on my shoulder. 

"You. Time to go." The humans return facing gun at me and fire off a few darts. I look at it and back at them before I reply "it's going to take more then that to take me out." I sift standing on all fours as electricity builds in my body before I release it knocking anyone and everyone down and knocking out the power.

I look around and the humans are out cold, I push the door and it practically falls off its hinges. I turn and look at Fade and she stands picking me up and throwing me half way over her shoulder. "We're getting out of here" she walks holding me and I lay on her feeling exhausted but staying awake if I have to fight.

My body slowly gets more and more tired as we walk, I gently look at Fade and she keeps her eyes ahead of her. She looks around making quick and sharp turns and my eyes flutter shut, I stay awake for as long as possible but unfortunately sleep and exhaustion take over and I'm out.

~~back home~~

I awake and I'm laying on a bed. I look around and I'm back home, I try to sit up but I'm pulled back down. I sit for a second until I realized that there is something holding me back. I turn my head and I quickly find the source, I watch as Fade has herself wrapped around me.

She's wrapped tight enough that I won't leave yet lose enough where I can still move around. I adjust slightly laying back down when I see the door open, I quickly shut my eyes and listen in. I hear footsteps enter and come to a stop with a gasp.

I soon hear soft whispers following it "see I told you there was something between them. You owe me five bucks." I hear this followed by a groan "fine. here." I think on what they mean then I remember Fade is wrapped around me and I feel my face flush red.

"Will you two get out of here and let them sleep?" The pair, which I picked up as Jett and Killjoy, quickly hurry out and the door closes. I feel the pressure release on the bed and I turn my head and meet with Fade's eyes.

"Sorry did I wake you?" I shake my head "No don't worry about it, I was already up" she hums in response and stands stretching and I catch myself staring again. Fade quirks a brow at me and I turn around quickly.

I stand and head out the door making my way downstairs where I spot everyone doing their own thing. "Hey, thanks for the five bucks Neon!" Killjoy laughs and Jett crosses her arms annoyed while Viper types away on the computer and Sage waves from the kitchen.

I head over to the kitchen where I spot Phoenix eating breakfast and Sage cooking "you can take quite the beating mate" I look at Phoenix and he's pointing his spoon at me and I tilt my head. "He's right, thought we lost you for a bit there. But you came through."

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