Interrupted Moment

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Viper P.O.V

It's been weeks since that event with the biped and we've all been working our asses off without much time to ourselves. This is normal but it's putting a toll on everyone, including me, shockingly, and Killjoy has constantly been in my space more and it's starting to annoy me.

"Sabine, so what are-" "Klara! Back, up." I glare at her and she pulls back with an expression torn between sadness and fear, "y-you called me by my name? With hate?" I soon realize how my words came out at her and guilt starts making it's way up.

She pulls back with her ears drooping and her tail creeps between her legs she turns giving me another sad look before walking away. The second she turns I feel terrible and I can't take it "Klara, wait."

She turns and looks at me and I walk closer to her setting my hands on her arms looking her in the eyes "Klara, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I don't hate your name I'm just stressed right now with everything going on."

She looks at me eyes still saddened but she slowly leans into my touch and a sigh releases from her. She leans forward and nuzzles into me before looking at me with a slight grin, "can we just stay like this?"

"No, we have work we have to finish" Killjoy just pouts before letting out a huff and sitting back down at the table and getting back to work. I sit back down and as I'm working my mind can't help but wander to something in particular.

My mind lingers to a few weeks ago and not to the creepy biped, but to the scratches on Jett's back. I can't really explain why but the next thing I know I calling Sage going to try and get answers.

"Hey Viper got anything?" I sigh before speaking up "no but that's not why I'm calling." Sage goes silent on the other end for a minute before she speaks up "then why are you calling?" "A few weeks ago, those scratches on Jett's back. Did you and her, y'know-"

"Yes." Her response is quick and flat "I'm not going to say anything if that's what your worried about. I was just curious" I hear her sigh on the other end "you've been looking at Killjoy lately haven't you?"

My face changes to slight annoyance and I huff "like I would be" "Viper it's okay to admit these things, you know that right?" I stop before I say something and I take a look over at Killjoy working at the table.

"I'm going to go, I'll call if anything happens." "Alright just know it-" I hang up before Sage can finish whatever she was going to say and I head back over to Killjoy and look at her before she turns her head to me.

"Do you need something Sabine?" I shake my head "no, but I'll be right back" she nods and I slip off without Killjoy seeing. I head to the room and I feel my tail start to wag when I look towards the bed.

I look at the door then back to the bed debating my options. I eventually decide on something and walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. I sit for a minute before I push myself back on the bed and sit with my back to the headboard and taking one last look at the door.

"It's not like she'll do anything? She'll just be working" I debate on it for a minute before I decide on staying in here for a while to deal with something. I sit and open myself up and slowly mark out my hand's destination.

When it reaches right where I want it I glance up and when no one is coming in the direction of the room I allow myself to slowly start touching myself. It takes a second for me to relax into it but when I do I push my finger in and start thrusting it slowly.

I huff as I do it letting out breaths as quietly at I can trying not to draw attention to myself, not wanting Killjoy to know what I'm doing. Unfortunately the second my mind drifts to Killjoy, I speed up without realizing and a moan leaves my throat.

I snap my free hand over my mouth and watch the door wanting to stop but it feels to good so I just keep my hand held in place trying to quiet anything that tries to come up. I keep my eyes focused on the door and ears held tall to listen for any footsteps.

I add a second finger and now I grab a pillow to silence myself and the feeling of it is so good that I allow my eyes to flutter and I drop the pillow forcing me to block anything with my hand now.

I keep thrusting and start picking up the pace trying to reach my peak when I look up and watch the doorknob turn and open in slow motion. "Are you okay Sabine, you've been gone for a-" Killjoy stops in place and just looks me over.

I freeze as her eyes rank me over, my body is begging for me to continue but I can't bring myself to do so with her here and her catching me. "Sabine, did I walk in at the wrong time or" she trails her words watching me her eyes fixated on my lower half.

"You kind of did. Knocking is a thing you know" I look at her and she nods "how was I supposed to know you were doing this?" I feel my tail threating to wag as I look at her and she stares back at me.

Killjoy nears the bed and closes her eyes sniffing the air "your close ja?" I looks at her and harden my look on her and her comment and she just shrugs "deny it all you want, I smell it on you. Your close and we both know it"

I growl at her and she puts her hands up defensively "I just saying the truth Sabine, no need to get mad at me." She sits down next to me and I take out my fingers just so I'm not tempted to finish in front of her.

Killjoy takes notice to this and wraps her and around my wrist "what are you doing" I say this less of a question, and more of a demand making sure she tells me what the hell she thinks she's doing.

Killjoy keeps her hand on my wrist and guides my hand back down and holds it there. "I'm just helping you finish up what you started" I pull my hand back and growl at her again and turn my back to her.

"Sabine, there's no need to be like that" I hear her snort and she rests her head on my shoulder "and there's no need for you to 'help' me." I feel Killjoy's arms wrap around me and she holds onto me nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck.

"Sabine your so stubborn" I feel something when she talks and her hot breath hits my neck as she says this. I rest my hand on one of hers and lower our hands and I can feel her eyes settle on me, "do you want me to?"

I silently nod and I feel her hand lower till it's hovering right over where I need it, "just do it and get this over with." I say this firmly and I feel her hand touch me and I bite down on my lip as she starts making circles on my skin.

Her free hand tangles into my fur as her fingers enter right where I want them. She starts slow and I feel my breathing pick up as her fingers work their magic until I reach my peak and let out a moan and she removes them.

She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before she lets go of me and stands from the bed  "I'll let you clean up by yourself and I'll be working if you need me." I turn my head to her and she grins before leaving me alone in the room.

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