Forest Fun

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Jett P.O.V

We both sigh hearing Viper's annoyed voice at the newest member for something that was possibly a complete accident. We're about to go check when we see someone else going over to handle it. I sit looking at Sage trying to think of something to say when she speaks first.

"So, what was with that comment before?" I tilt my head to the side pretending I don't know what she means "which one?" Sage sighs "when you said 'you can't be the only beautiful one here'?" I nod my head tapping my paw.

"I think your hearing things Sage, I said no such thing" Sage gives me an odd look before admitting to defeat and laying herself down. I take this as my chance and inch my tail closer to hers ever so slightly here and there before it's resting on top of hers.

I sit comfortably and normally while on the inside having a panic attack. Every so often I glance over at her but when her eyes shift to me, I pretend to be looking around at something. "Alright. What is is Jett?" I turn to look at her with a tilted head confused on what she means.

Sage sighs before saying something "for one every time I look at you, your somehow looking at something random and don't think I didn't notice your tail." She motions behind us at my tail draped over her's. "Start talking Joon-Hee"

I'm a little pulled back that she used my real name, but I shake my head and try and make an excuse. "I just thought I felt someone watching us" Sage gives me a look not seeming to believe me.

"There's like 16 other wolves here and you know that" she gives me the 'I don't believe you' look waiting for a real answer. I turn my head away fiddling with a pebble trying to avoid the real answer but I can feel her eyes fixated on me.

"Well, do you want to tell me why?" I sigh trying to think of a response and just say the first thing that comes to mind. "I have a crush on someone!" I yelp and the words I just said and I just stare at Sage and she gives me a look.

"Oh I have noticed you've been acting weirder then normal, didn't know that was the cause" I cover my head with my paws trying to hide my face before I stand and leave the hill I was sitting on with Sage and head to the river.

I sit myself down and just stare at the water trying to figure out what Sage could be thinking of me now. I sigh before pacing "how would she ever like someone like me?!" I end up shouting this staring at my reflection.

I groan and growl deeply scratching one of the trees next to me, nails digging into the dirt. I look back at the water, seeing myself staring back and I just let out another growl. I shift, fur rippling down my body, ears poking off the top of may head and a tail sprouting behind.

I look around looking at my scratches I left on the tree before, my nails extend, ears pulling back and I scratch the tree till I hurt myself. I look at the water again seeing myself judging my every flaw before letting out another growl.

I look at myself again, while fur covers my chest and it ripples down my sides and down my front, I look down my sides as it continues down my thighs and along the muscles of my arms. I growl out again my eyebrows knitting together as I look at my hair.

I see my hair pulled into a sloppy bun in the back, hair and fur matching the white of snow. I let out one more growl before I shout again "Sage would never like me, if anything she probably likes Reyna! Everyone fucken knows she's better looking anyway!"

I feel my eyes sting at my words knowing now that I say it, it's true. Sage hangs out with Reyna a lot, talks with her and even has her sleeping arrangements near her. My eyes sting more and I fall to the ground tears streaming down my face.

I tuck my tail next to me needing something to hold onto just as a comfort as my ears fold down and tears fall. All I can think of is Sage dating Reyna wanting nothing to do with me anymore, never wanting to hangout, hunt or anything anymore.

"I see Reyna as a friend you know?" My ears shoot up and I whip around and they fall just as fast as they went up along with my heart. There stands Sage, shifted to match me. I swallow hard as she nears tail swaying gracefully behind her.

She stands in front of me looking down at me and I lower my head a whimper leaving my throat. "Is this where all your wounds are from?" She kneels down next to me holding my hands looking at what I did to them before hand.

"..yes" I mumble out my response and she sighs before raising her hand to heal them "you could have told me this sooner" she shifts her eyes to meet mine still holding onto my hands. I sigh looking down catching a glimpse of her tail on the same side I have mine resting on.

"How was I supposed to know. You are around Reyna more so you really think I'd tell you" Sage nods seeming to understand what I mean. Her ears perk up and her tail starts shifting with her face turning slightly red.

"What?" She looks up at me ears folding down "nothing.." her gaze moves to her tail as she holds it down to keep it from wagging. It doesn't take long for the realization to settle in and now my tail is going.

I push it behind me as it wags as Sage struggles to stop hers. I take a breath before resting my hand on her jaw, her ears go lower and she stops fighting with her tail and just let's it go. Soon enough from the wagging it ends up behind her still going, along with mine.

I yell at myself for what I'm about to do but I let myself do it. I shift my hand under her jaw and tilt it up slightly and mentality scream as I lean in and catch her lips on mine. It only takes a second before I nearly gasp feeling her tongue press to my lips wanting entry.

I allow her in and I hear a groan come from her before she pulls back, leaving us panting. Sage looks at me panting before she nears me again making the space between us smaller. Her eyes flick to my mouth then to my eyes looking for an okay.

I silently nod and she moves to my lap and leans in again meeting our lips, I just allow this in shock that this is happening right now. She asks for entry again and I happily allow it hearing a moan leave her throat.

She pulls back again panting which is way to good looking on her, when my hands start to roam her fur when we notice one of the others approaching. Sage jumps off of me when we see Skye come around the trees stopping before us.

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