After Effects

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Jett P.O.V

I got back home after the meeting ready to embrace Sage and head off to bed but when I got back one thing stood out. No Sage. I looked around a bit and nothing "Sage!" Yet nothing, which isn't like her.

I sniff around looking for her when I pick up a horrible smell, I've never smelled this before it was odd. I head to the living room and find the bottle on the ground and that's where I find the smell, the bottle reeks of it.

I start my way to our room when I'm stopped "Sparrow...your back!" Sage is leaning on the wall with fallen ears and a flushed face. "Uh, are you okay?" She giggles and looks at me with lidded eyes "never better Sparrow."

I give her an odd look knowing she never calls me that "Sparrow? I thought I was Hawk?" She gives me an odd look before giving her answer "nooo you're Sparrow" As if the other signs weren't clear somethings not right.

I lean in and sniff her and surprise the same smell is all over her, not her scent not mine, nothing. I sigh and drag her to the couch sitting her down "stay right there." She nods crookedly and I head over and call up Killjoy.

"Hey uh I need your help real quick" "alright what is it?" I turn the bottle over reading the back and find the word 'alcohol' on it. "Could you tell me what alcohol is?" The other end is quiet for a moment before I get my answer.

"A colorless volatile flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel. Was that the answer you needed?"

I sigh knowing what I have to deal with now "yes, thank you" I hang up and set the bottle and phone down and look over at Sage. I sigh looking at her, I can't get mad at her it's not like she knew it would do this to her.

"Sage, come with me" she looks at me and stands, or just barely, and follows behind me for a couple of feet before falling. I walk over and help her up and lean her against me to walk her to the room.

"I want you to lay down and try to get some sleep. Can you do that?" She nods and I set her on the bed an pull the blanket up covering her up. I leave the room quietly in the dark and head to the couch with a blanket and pillow.

~~The Next Morning~~

My eyes flutter open to the morning sun shining in through the curtains when I hear the first thing of the day. "Jett! Where are you?" I grin hearing my name called out as I head into the room and find Sage sitting up.

"Jett? What happened?" I move closer and sit on the bed next to her and start to tell her "I'll give you the short version. You're drink you got had alcohol in it and let's just say you were out of it yesterday."

Her face falls and her face reddens "did I say anything weird?" I have to hold back a laugh as she says this and then tell her "well, let's just say that Sparrow dose not fit me for a name." She falls forward and hides her face in my neck. "Let's never talk about this."

Killjoy P.O.V

I'm up bright and early sitting at the table working away on my bots. I move my turret in front of me and start fixing anything loose or broken. I'm deep in my work when I suddenly feel like I'm being watched. I look up not having to look far when I spot Viper looming over my shoulder watching what I'm doing.

I breath a sigh of relief knowing it was only her and I speak up "good morning Sabine, I didn't see you there or even hear you there." She just gives me a silent nod and stands there still watching me quietly as if not to disturb me.

I turn back to my work when I feel her bring her face next to mine, she turns her head and whispers into my ear. "You have no idea how bad I want you right now" I freeze in place and she pulls back heading into the kitchen leaving me alone and in silence.

I pull away from my work and sit just staring at the floor trying to figure out what I just heard and I look up hearing her footsteps near and soon I'm pinned down to the chair, face to face with her emerald eyes. Inches from her face.

I hold my breath as she holds me in place looking at me like a starving animal. "S-Sabine-" she cuts me off with a rough kiss, my eyes flutter shut and I melt into it. I taste her in my mouth and she's sweet, yet a twinge of spice lingers.

She pulls off me ears standing tall as she stares me down. My breathing speeds up as her eyes drift away from my eyes and focus somewhere else. I find out quickly where that is when her mouth and jaws find my neck and she nips me as she pulls off.

Her voice drops to a whisper when she speaks up "Klara, I want you so bad right now." My heart picks up and the smell of lust is rising not just from her but me as well "S-Sabine, are you sure?" She stairs down my abdomen and nips at my side.

I let out a yelp of surprise as she does this and she leaves a tail of kisses down my stomach before grabbing my legs and pulling them over her shoulders. I let out a whimper, gripping the chair as she nips at my thighs.

Soon her mouth takes quick work. She's far from gentle, she leaves kisses, nips and quite possibly marks in her trail and my body can't take it. I can't stop the loud moan that leaves me when she hits the right spot and I feel her grin on me.

She pulls off me and I whimper wanting her back in her rightful spot and she just smirks. "Please.." beg for her and she just turns her back on me "if you want to feel relief then your going to obey me." I whimper giving her encouragement and she grins over her shoulder at me.

"Head to the room I'll meet you there." I nod quickly and hurry off to the room and sit on the bed and Sabine follows in soon after. She nods at me looking at the bed, I lean back and she walks over me and scoffs.

She grabs my waist and flips me on my stomach pressing one hand on my back to hold me down, and I don't know where the other is until I feel her hand hit me on my ass. I yelp at this and then I feel her enter where I need it.

I moan at the thrusting and squirm under her hand until I grip the bed reaching my peak. I pant out breaths relaxing my muscles and I turn and look at her. "Sa-bine you're amazing at that" I push myself up turning over to look at her.

She sits down next to me and wrapping me in her arms pulling me to her lap. I relax on her grabbing her twitching hands, "I don't understand why you hate this, I adore your hands" I plant a soft kiss to them before allowing my eyes to flutter shut.

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