Military Encounter

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Killjoy P.O.V

I takes quite a while but we make it to the houses we'll be staying at. I'll be the first to admit, these homes are weird. They have pointed tops, boxy like walls, a fence around the back and the oddest thing? The clear squares that you can see right into.

"So, how do we get in?" I look at the others and Viper heads up first looking at the house and her focus lands on what look like a handle. She grabs a hold of it and turns it and now the house has a rectangular opening on it.

The others run off to work on what they have to do and I follow Viper into the house and I take a look around in awe. "Wow, this is nothing like the den." Viper looks at me then grabs her bag and starts taking out the cameras Cypher gave us.

I look around some more to see an odd looking thing on the ceiling. I give it an odd look before I spot what looks like a switch on the wall, I walk over to it and flip it upwards and suddenly it's brighter in here.

This get's Viper's attention and she looks at me then at the thing on the ceiling, "huh, guess bipeds make their own light." I nod before grabbing my bag and start taking out my tools and only a couple of my bots that I brought with.

I head to a room and set my stuff down on one of the surfaces and make it as neat as possible and hiding some of the more dangerous looking things from the view from outside. Viper soon follows and starts setting things up.

~~An Hour Later~~

We spend about an hour working and setting things up, and after that hour we become restless and curious of everything in this house. We go through everything, seeing what each thing dose and how things work.

The most interesting thing I found was the comfortable sitting area with this electronic like screen that you could watch whatever you wanted on. So, that's what I found myself doing. Stripped out of all the clothes, fur rippling down and ears and tail out as I laid happily watching the screen.

Viper had covered all the windows with the fabric that hung in front of them and did the same but she was working on making dinner for us instead of relaxing in here. "We can just eat later Viper" she looks over her shoulder at me before responding.

"We could, yes, but making it now means if you want to relax later you can" I sit myself up to my knees and look over at her "what about you?" She stops what she's doing and stands for a second before responding.

"I have work to do." My ears fall as I watch her work on dinner and I pout. I stand up and walk over to her to try and convince her other wise so she can take a break from work. "Yes?" She gives me a side eye look as she continues working on dinner.

"Come on you have to take a break at some point" Viper just shakes her head "I have work to do and-" we hear a bang on the entrance to the house and we both jump at the sound. Viper slowly heads to the entrance and looks closely through the hole and jumps back.

She turns to me and looks to where I was laying before "hide your wolf features and get those clothes on. There's a biped here" I nod quickly and throw on the clothing and hide and signs of being a wolf and Viper does the same before opening the entrance.

When she does a man reveals himself with a device. "Hello ma'am we recommend keeping all small animals inside and make sure all children are watched carefully and kept safe." I stand up and come over to stand next to Viper and look the guy over.

My eyes and on the badge on his chest and fear starts to take over reading the word 'military' on it. "And why is that sir?" Viper keeps her cool looking at him and he takes his wording a step back. "I apologize, I work with the military and recently we go video from a hunter who was sadly killed."

He pulls something up on the device and my heart drops seeing Jett on it shifting. I glance at Viper and she stiffens seeing this as well "He had a camera constantly steaming while he was hunting and he caught clip of this vicious monster."

"What is it?" I finally speak up trying to make it seem like I don't know who that is. "We don't fully know young lady. But it looks half wolf half human, if you see this monster stay back and contact authorities as soon as you can."

We agree and he leaves heading to the others next and Viper and I hurry to warn them. We contact them letting them know what's happening before this guy gets there and telling the others at HQ. After everyone knows we sit down and look between each other and the floor.

"So, we are monsters now" I look over at Viper and she just looks at the floor. "I guess so.." she sorta mumbles this and drags her sentence saying this. I look to the floor then back at Viper, shocked that her cold hard mask is down and she's showing this much vulnerability.

Viper looks up at me and catches me staring at her, "tell anyone and I'll poison your drink." I nod quickly and stand and shift to my wolf form and lay down whimpering. This gets Viper attention and what she dose next I would have never expected in a million years.

I hear her sigh and then I hear her stand and she sits on the floor next to me resting her hand on me. I lift my head to look at her and she's looking off at something else. I feel myself wanting to grin at this and I push myself next to her and feel my tail wag.

Viper looks down at me and I see a slight grin make it's way on her face. I stand and lay myself across her lap and she gives me a look. "What?" I look at her and tilt my head wagging my tail and he just scoffs.

"Get up" I turn back over to my stomach and just curl up more on her. Just as expected I hear Viper groan and she shifts into her wolf form and pins me down holding her jaws over my neck letting out a small growl.

I wiggle out of her grasp and shift back to my biped form and take off the clothing and reveal my wolf features again. I turn to Viper again to see her facing away from me, I'm confused on why until it clicks. "Like what you see Sabine?"

Viper whips around and growls at me and I just can't help but laugh "aw don't be like that." Viper rolls her eyes before shifting and removing her clothing before reveling her wolf features as well. I watch her walk away but once she's near a wall something pulls me to her and it end with me pinning Viper to the wall.

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