Nightmarish ways

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Neon P.O.V

I was just finishing my rounds on our territory when I got the feeling I was being watched. I looked around not seeing anything until I spot a pair of eyes staring at me from the bushes. I stop mid step keeping focus on the eyes watching me.

I took in the smells around me trying to figure out who or what it is watching me, only to be left with no smell but an emotion. Fear. I stood watching the eyes focused on me as fear seemed to creep up on me as I took in the scent around me.

After some seconds of starring and a blink the eyes watching me are gone. I look around carefully looking all around but nothing and yet I still feel like I'm being watched. The sky darkens through the trees quickly and after trying to figure out what I'm seeing is real, I'm on a beach back in the Philippines.

I look around trying to think of every logical explanation for this. Memories roll in of losing control, the memories I had forgotten about and hid away. After the flashbacks I feel something wrap around my legs, I look down seeing a black like vine with red streaks in it holding me down in the sand.

I squeeze my eyes shut trying to block out the whispers when suddenly it goes quiet. Too quiet. I open my eyes and I'm back in the forest like nothing ever happened, I take a look around and reach out to touch things to make sure I'm still not in a dream when my eyes land on a figure in the shadows.

The figure steps out as the shadows release their grasp on them. Soon standing before me is a dinae I've never seen before, around my height, tanned skin, dark markings on her body, dark grey fur fading into a lighter grey. I look up meeting eyes with the woman and her hair is no different with the same color as her fur.

My eyes drift to hers, her eyes practically glow in the darkness, one as blue as the ocean and the other as rusty as tree sap. By the time I'm done examining her, she's in front of me, staring, like she's watching for my next move. I'm about to say something when she beats me to it.

"Neon, or should I say Tala Nicole Dimaapi Valdez? Which do you prefer?" I freeze as this woman I've never met or even seen once in my life knows my name, she stands waiting for and answer and her eyes rank over me as if I were a book.

"Neon is fine." I say this flatly hoping to avoid showing fear to her. "Alright. Neon, it seems you're scared yes? And before you try and deny it you can't, not possible I can always tell." I slowly nod and never let my eyes stray from her.

"If you think I'm going to hurt you, you're wrong. I mean no harm." I Huff at her words "then why'd you do this to me. I know your a radiant, I can feel it coming from you." The woman stares at me, giving me an odd look.

"Radiant or not I'm here to ask-" *Snap*  We whip around at the sound and lock eyes with a man watching us. "So the stories are true" my eyes flick between him and the strange woman beside me trying to figure out if their working together.

"I thought all those stories were fake. Edited to make it seem real. You monsters are real." The second this is said I realize this guy isn't a dinae, he's a biped. My eyes flick to the woman and by the time I look back at the man he has a gun pulled.

I dash in front of her as I hear a bag resulting in a dart stuck in my side. I glare at him and snarl his eyes go wide and he goes to grab something else from his bag but stops quickly when I let out another snarl.

"How are you not down" I look at him when I catch someone else lingering in the shadows. The woman behind me shifts and sends out some sort of creature as is hunts out the bipeds. I shift and she runs into the forest and I follow behind quickly.

She leads me to a hidden part of the forest and we bunker down in the leaves "so, will you allow me to take that dart out of your side or are you going to electrocute me?" I can't help a grin as she says this and I show my side to her.

She leans in grabbing the dart with her jaws and pulls it out tossing it aside. "So, you know so much about me, may I ask how?" She hums shutting her eyes nodding "that I can't tell you." I sigh and look at her.

"Can I at least get your name?" she hums and nods "Fade" I stand and shake out my pelt and she looks up at me. "Your fur is to bright, they'll see you for sure" I look back at her and back at myself when I hear footsteps in the distance.

I look around and see a fallen hollowed out tree "I can't believe I'm saying this right now but hide in that log I'll deal with these guys." She stands giving me a look and I growl nodding at the log.

She heads to the log and crawls inside and I turn to see the men approaching. I shift back to my biped form watching as they near and this time they have devices pointed at me. "Don't get any closer, I'm warning you."

They ignore my warning getting closer and pull out their guns now "Put your hands up and no one gets hurt" I roll my eyes at their threat as they get closer, I allow electricity to flow as my hair and fur start to glow standing on end.

They stop but brush it off and once they get to close a pulse of lightning shocks through the air knocking them down as they back away before turning and leaving. Fade steps out of the log and gets a little to close as a spark jumps to her skin shocking her.

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