Finishing The Date PT.1

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Jett P.O.V

Me and Sage sit together awhile just sitting, cuddling and just basking in each other's presence as we both calm down from what just happened. We had been sitting for a while when it dawns  on me what Sage said before.

"Hey Sage" she turns her attention to me looking to see why I called her name "so what you said before, when you had me pinned, about finishing what we started. Did you uh mean that" Sage hums and looks down to her lap before looking back at me.

"I may have meant it." I watch her movements, and by her tone of voice, I can easily tell that yes, she did mean it. I feel my lower abdomen heat up hearing and knowing that Sage, the most innocent Dinae in the pack wanted to actually mate with me of all Dinae's.

"Hey uh Sage" she turns to me and gives me a look and tilts her head at me "so, I uh hmm. Sage." At this point she's giving me a questioning look trying to figure out what I want to ask her and I get dumb and just ask it as best as possible.

"You. Me. Room. Yes? No?" Sage looks like she's about to bust out laughing at my failure of asking her this. Then I just fall lay on my side curling in on myself and covering my face out of embarrassment not wanting to face whatever she's going to say.

"Jett" I hear her call my name and I slightly look up at her seeing her holding back laughter "your attempt at asking was, pathetic, but, I admire you being bold and right to it. Sorta" I fidget in my seat waiting for what she's going to answer.

"So." She pauses for a second then looks over at me "I would love to join you" my eyes go wide at her response and I feel my face heat up going over her words in my head making sure I'm not miss hearing anything.

Sage must see this and goes to leave but not before stopping next to me to whisper something in my ear. "Don't keep me waiting to long Hawk" after she says this she leaves and I hear her footsteps fade as she closes the door behind her.

I sit just zoned out when one of our signals go off and I jump up to check it, luckily when I get there it's just a incoming call from Phoenix. I answer it and Phoenix's voice comes through professional.

"Hey, Sage-" "wrong name pretty boy" I hear him laugh on the other end at the name and I can't help but laugh as well. "Anyway what do you need?" He stops laughing and clears his throat before speaking up.

"I noticed a biped watching the place your staying at like they we're watching for something" I hum thinking it over and check outside seeing nothing "I don't see them right now but I'll check the cameras just to be safe."

"Alright, make sure you inform everyone once you know what's happening, if some how they saw anything. We may need someone else to get out here." I nod even though he isn't on video and I head to the cams.

"I'll check them know. Thank you Phoenix, make sure you let Viper and Killjoy know as well so they can keep an eye out." "Already on it" and that's where we hang up and I start scrolling through the camera footage.

I'm looking when I catch movement and it's when Viper and Killjoy are running in, I'm about to pass it over when I see something or like someone in the background. I pause it and see them stop walking and they start looking in our direction.

I'm watching it and skipping through for when Viper an Killjoy leave and that's right when they turn and leave pulling something out of their clothes and putting up to their head. I sigh and leave the footage up when Sage calls from the other room.

"Jett! You coming!?" And that's when I remembered it, I almost forgot about it from the call from Phoenix. I stand from the table and start heading to the room my nervousness building the closer I get to the room and by the time my hand is on the door handle my heart is pounding.

I open the door and Sage is happily relaxing on the bed and she's looking at something but when she hears me her eyes snap up and are locked on me. "Took you long enough" she snorts as she's sitting herself up and moving to the foot of the bed.

She sits on her knees with her arms in front of her like a puppy looking for attention. She stares at me intensely, ears standing tall and tail laid to her side. I try to speak but it ends in me stuttering and then getting out what I want to say.

"O-okay uh before we do anything. I want to lay some things down" Sage nods with a smile waiting to hear what I have to say. "S-so what do you want a safe word to be?" She sits for a minute thinking when she get's an idea.

"How about red, yellow and green? I know it's basic but I feel like it'll work. Green is good, yellow for slow down and red to stop?" I nod relaxing know we have that part figured out but now comes the hard part.

"What if my wolf takes control and I can't stop?" Sage gets her idea quickly "simple, I teach your wolf what it's like to be bitten, hard." Even after hearing her confident on this I'm still ify about it "what if that doesn't work?"

Sage sighs before she speaks "then I'll draw blood from you. It's only a last resort if nothing else works, I don't want to hurt you." I nod agreeing with it since it would definitely work if nothing else does.

Sage stands and nears me looking me in the eyes waiting for something to happen, "a-are you ready?" Sage nods "green all the way." I sigh and nervously wrap my arms around her looking her in the eyes as I play with the fur on her hips.

I dance my fingers along her hips and she gives me shy smiles here and there bringing her arms up on my shoulders giving me free access to her sides. I slowly trace my hands up her sides and she starts to squirm under the feeling.

My hands slither up slowly until they rest on her ribs and creep forward just cupping her breasts causing her to squirm more. "Jett, stop being a tease" she says this gripping her fingers into my shoulders marking her point.

I turn my head to the side to look at her hands on my shoulders then back to her and pull her into a kiss tangling my left hand into her hair while my other searches and finds the front of her breast and I give an experimental squeeze and a sound makes it's way from her throat.

I pull back and she gives me a begging look and she starts tracing her hands down my arms and migrating to my hips. I turn us around and back Sage up until she hits the wall and she looks at me and gives me a groan of encouragement.

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