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This chapter mentions violence, self-harm and self-destructive thoughts.

Yoongi climbs into his room and slides down the wall, burying his face in his hands. Irritation, frustration and anger, so much anger, are the main emotions Yoongi is experiencing right now. His thoughts are going crazy, his chest feels heavy with guilt and for some fucking reason, his mind keeps replaying the moment where he left Jimin behind.

The confusion on Jimin's face and his understanding words even though he had every right to get angry or pissed, hurts. A lot. His heart hurts when he just thinks about it.

After taking a deep breath, he takes his phone from his pocket, staring at the bright screen. Jimin hasn't messaged him, which feels odd. Yoongi shouldn't care about a simple text. He shouldn't care about Jimin's confused face when he left.

That's right. Yoongi left Jimin alone, after telling the younger male to always have someone to walk him home. His heart clenches. Did Jimin get home safe?

Anger starts overwhelming Yoongi, anger towards no one but himself. He should've at least brought Jimin home, he should've made sure that he's safe. What if someone harassed him again?

"Fuck-fuck fuck!" Yoongi shouts, kicking his wall a couple of times. But that's not enough, not enough to calm him down. Yoongi clenches his hands and throws the first punch against his wall, immediate pain shooting from his hand all the way up to his arm, almost paralyzing him. However, he doesn't stop.

He needs pain right now. He needs something that hurts more than his thoughts, something that's greater than the guilt in his chest.

Call him. This thought makes Yoongi pause, his heart pounding against his ribcage as blood drips from his knuckles to the floor. He needs to call Jimin and make sure that the younger male got home safe. And he should apologize, he really should apologize.

All of a sudden, a hand is placed on Yoongi's shoulder, causing the mafia leader to flinch slightly, his head snapping to the side. It's Jin, looking at him with worried eyes while Jungkook stands further away, biting his lips. Before he can say something, Jin launches forward and takes Yoongi's hand into his own, telling Jungkook to go get his medical bag.

"Yoongi, why would you do that to yourself?", Jin asks, forcing him to sit. There isn't a judgmental tone in his voice, no sign of annoyance or disappointment. It's only concern. Genuine concern.

Before Yoongi can think about any possible answer, Jungkook returns with the medical bag. Jin gently leads him to his bed and tells him to sit down, crouching down next to him. "This might sting a bit.", he warns, tone still soft.

The first drop of the alcohol makes Yoongi wince and bite his lips, but as soon as Jungkook carefully rubs over his back, he relaxes slightly. His family never fails to make him at least a bit softer than usual. "The attack on Mr. Choi messes with my head. I really thought that we found the person responsible.", he eventually confesses, debating whether to tell the truth before he decides against it. They can't know.

"We know, it's frustrating. Maybe you should talk with Hobi-Hyung and Joonie-Hyung again. We'll find the person soon, I'm sure of it.", Jungkook suggests, his hand never leaving Yoongi's back. A sigh goes past Yoongi's lips as he nods. "You're right, I'm sorry for worrying you. I lost control for a second.", Yoongi continues and stands up, needing them to leave.

He needs time to think.

What he said isn't even that far from the truth. Maybe the attack on Mr. Choi really contributed a little for him to go overboard like this, but the main thing on his mind is Jimin.

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