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Contains graphic depictions of injuries, major character injuries, and blood.

The door to his room opens with a soft creak. Hearing the noise, Jimin raises his head from the book he's desperately been trying to read and meets Jin's curious eyes. "Hi, just thought I'd come to check on you. You feeling okay?"

Jimin forces a smile. "I'm fine, just struggling to focus when I know they're out there."

There's a sigh escaping Jin's lips. "I worry too, about all of them. I always do," he says, sitting on the bed and reaching out to grab Jimin's hand. Although Jin's words don't wash his anxiety away, they comfort him anyway. Jin has a lot of experience and Jimin knows that he can trust the oldest. Maybe he's just overthinking. He should get used to this anyway, it won't be Yoongi's last mission.

"You could stop him, you know? I'm sure Yoongi would stop going on missions if you simply asked." Jimin shudders a little. "I don't want– I-I can't ask that of him. Not when I know how much he cares about all of you." Jin snorts, squeezing his hand. "Did he say something? About how much he loves us?"

This time, Jimin's smile a little more genuine. "He doesn't have to. I can see it. I'm sure you do too. You've been to hell and back with him. All of you."

The oldest leans his head against the window. "He doesn't. None of us do."

"You're a family. It's not my place to intervene. I-I already did too much."

"Asking him to stop killing isn't too much, Jimin-ah. All of us would stop in a heartbeat if someone asked us to. None of us enjoy it. We only kill if necessary. We always have and always will."

Jimin swallows thickly, playing with the strings of his pullover. "I know that."

"Come, let's go downstairs. I've left you with your worries for too long. I'll cheer you–" Jin's words are cut when they both hear vehicles approaching. They turn to look outside, spotting the black van they've been waiting for. It parks at an enormous speed, almost like they're in a hurry. A smile appears on Jimin's face, but Jin doesn't seem to share his enthusiasm that the others are back.

"Someone's hurt. Hurry, come with me," Jin mutters and drags the younger man with him. They run down the stairs and come to an abrupt stop at the entrance. "What? Who's hurt?" Jin rushes to open the door, ignoring Jimin and comes face-to-face with the group.

Jimin stops breathing.

Yoongi. The man he's grown to love hangs limply and unresponsive in Namjoon's arms. The hacker, followed by the other three men, rushes inside.

All of them are drenched in blood.

Not theirs, but Yoongi's.

Jungkook's eyes are red and puffy and he trembles terribly, not giving Jimin or really anyone courage at all. Blood drips onto the floor from a wound on Yoongi's chest, staining the floor red. Jackson's right there, struggling to stop the blood from seeping through his fingers, although there are multiple layers of clothing on Yoongi's chest.

"He's lost a lot of blood," Namjoon chokes out, horror all over his face. "He's barely holding on."

Jimin feels his blood rushing in his ears, hears his heart racing against his ribcage and feels his eyes stinging as tears blur his vision.

Jin takes one look at Yoongi's pale face before he hurries into action, "Get him to the hospital wing. Hurry the fuck up!"

As everyone rushes into the hospital wing, Jimin is left behind at the staircase frozen still in shock. Hoseok spots him from across the hallway and runs back, gently taking his hand in his. "Jimin? Listen to me, Yoongi's going to survive this, okay? But we need you there. Snap out of it!"

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 | 𝐲.𝐦.Where stories live. Discover now