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There is something magical about being in nature. You can't put it in words, but you feel it deep within, it touches your spirit. Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, helps cope with pain, reduce anger, stress and soothe your soul. People find trees, plants, water, and other natural elements engrossing, so it's no surprise that they're absorbed by nature and distracted from their pain and discomfort.

Watching the wind rustle through the trees and feeling it dishevel your hair gives you a feeling of peace. It calms even the biggest storm within.

It's different here. Yoongi was right.

Jimin lets his tears fall freely, not trying to wipe or stop them because it worries his loved ones. It feels good to cry, good to release the pain. What happened to him is fucked up, more than fucked up, but it happened and he can't change it. No matter how many times he tries to forget about it, push his feelings far into the back of his mind and pretend like he's okay to move on, it doesn't work. It'd really be wonderful if it'd actually work like that. But it doesn't.

And he needs to come to terms with what happened.

Jimin's ripped from his thoughts when he feels someone gently wrapping a warm jacket around him. Only seconds later he feels the person snuggling up to him, carefully placing their chin on his shoulder. "Would you like a hot chocolate? Or some tea?" Taehyung asks, peeking out of the window to see what Jimin has been looking at.

"Hot chocolate?" Jimin repeats with a smile, memories from their childhood coming to his mind. "Yeah, I've been thinking about it since this morning. What do you say, do you want one? You loved it growing up," Taehyung mumbles, smiling softly.

And for the first time in the past few days, a smile crosses Jimin's face too.

Their wish, a break they both urgently need in order to heal, has been granted.

After another one of Jimin's breakdowns, Yoongi talked to them and shared his plan. He suggested that they both travel to Daegu, where Yoongi was born, and temporarily move into an apartment in the woods. The gang only uses this apartment for holidays or days off. It's hidden and top secret, not even Yoongi's closest men know about it. Yoongi didn't talk about the duration of their stay, merely saying they shouls take all the time they need.

The apartment is cozy and doesn't trigger any memory from the traumatizing events. It allows them to have a break from everything and everyone.

Yoongi and Jimin shared an emotional goodbye and it was incredibly hard for Jimin to leave him behind. He's grown attached to Yoongi, always wanting to be around him and hold him. It wasn't healthy, Jimin realizes now nearly two weeks later. Although Yoongi never complained, Jimin knows it was. He's glad that Yoongi encouraged him to go.

"You're cold, Minnie. Do you plan on getting sick or something?" Taehyung mumbles teasingly, grabbing Jimin from the window ledge and closing the window behind him. "No, sorry. I just lost track of time," Jimin defends himself with another smile.

Amused, Taehyung hands Jimin the hot chocolate and the two sit on the couch in the living room. "It's really beautiful here," he comments eventually, leaning his head against a soft pillow. "It is." Jimin wipes a tear from his cheek. He didn't realize he's crying again. "Jungkook should come again next week, right? To stock up on food." Taehyung doesn't mention the tears, instead tilts his head to the side to look at the calendar. "Yeah, I think so," Jimin mumbles, scooting closer and resting his head on his shoulder.

It's silent again until Taehyung gently moves a pillow between his shoulder and Jimin's head to make it more comfortable. "I'll be right back. I brought something with me that I want to show you. Are you going to be okay on your own?" Taehyung explains after meeting Jimin's confused gaze.
Slightly taken aback but also curious, Jimin nods softly, watching him rush out of the door.

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