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At around nine o'clock the next day, Jimin wakes up, yawning quietly. For a few moments, he just lays in his very comfortable bed, staring at the ceiling while the memories of yesterday cross his mind. Especially the phone call. Did Yoongi really call him to apologize? To be entirely sure, Jimin checks his phone records, not able to tell the difference between his dreams and reality. He dreamt of Yoongi last night, so it's not that surprising that everything about the older male feels a little too good to be true. However, when his eyes fall upon Yoongi's phone number, which Jimin of course already memorized, his heart flutters.

He really did call and apologize. Jimin can't be happier.

With the same smile on his face, Jimin calls Taehyung, wanting to tell him about Yoongi's call in the middle of the night and his sincere apology. Taehyung was wrong; Yoongi isn't a jerk.

"Hi, Tae!", he squeals as his best friend picks up the call, rolling his eyes when he hears a grumble at the other end. Assuming that he woke him up, Jimin giggles and starts. "Guess what happened! Yoongi apologized to me!", Jimin exclaims, impatiently awaiting Taehyung's response. "I hope he did, that's the least he could do after leaving you alone.", Taehyung hisses in response, the smile on Jimin's face fading. "Tae-", Jimin begins, immediately getting interrupted by his best friend. "No Jimin, don't even start trying to defend him, he's bad news and has been since the beginning.", Taehyung complains, not wanting to hear another word of this dude.

Instead of Jimin defending Yoongi or trying to change his mind, Taehyung's met with silence, then a sigh, and then with the familiar beep when someone hangs up a phone call. Taehyung frowns at that, his heart suddenly feeling heavy. He knows that his best friend is sensitive, he should've been a bit softer. But honestly, he can't help himself. He doesn't like Yoongi and he for sure doesn't want someone as selfless, naive and wonderful as Jimin in this guy's presence.

This guy should stay the fuck away from him.

Still, Taehyung feels a pang of guilt surge through his body as he recalls Jimin happily squealing into the phone. He seemed so happy and Taehyung just ruined that. That's not fair.

With a sigh Taehyung picks his phone up and calls his best friend again, hoping that he'll pick up. "I'm sorry for being mean, Minnie. I didn't want to ruin your happy mood. I just-I don't know. You know I'm just worried about you." Taehyung hears Jimin sigh softly at the other end, a small pout appearing on his face. "I'm really sorry Jimin, how can I make it up to you? Would you like a cake?", Taehyung mumbles into the phone, giggling at his last sentence. "Shut up you dork and come hug me!", Jimin replies sassily, making him chuckle. His mission is accomplished.

Minutes later, Taehyung stands in front of Jimin's apartment, pressing the doorbell. As soon as Jimin opens the door, he throws himself into his best friend's arms. "I meant hugging not crushing me to death!", Jimin complains, trying to push the other male off of him. Taehyung just laughs at his best friend's tries and continues to cling to him. "I know you love it!", he teases, a huge grin displayed on his face.

After a while, they detach and Taehyung pulls the older male into the living room, making him sit down on the couch. "Alright, now tell me again, what did this jerk do to make you fall for him?", Taehyung asks, giggling when Jimin smacks the back of his head. "Will you stop! He isn't a jerk!" "Whatever, what excuse does he have for leaving?", he continues, raising his eyebrow. "He said it was a family matter, it's not my business to meddle into. He apologized sincerely, asked if I got home safely and said that it wasn't right of him to leave me there.", Jimin recalls, a soft smile on his face when he remembers Yoongi's kind words.

Honestly, Jimin is so glad that the older male called and apologized. He was afraid that he made Yoongi uncomfortable or caused him to be annoyed. Luckily, none of that was the case. "Mh okay, it is a decent apology, maybe I did overreact.", Taehyung admits, resting his head on his best friend's shoulder. Jimin laughs at that, ruffling through Taehyung's soft hair. "We'll go on a second date or something. I don't know.", he adds, cheeks heating up. "Really? Oh, you're blushing!", Taehyung asks in surprise, pinching Jimin's red cheeks and pointing out the obvious.

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