338 16 11

This chapter mentions trauma and some minor violence.

Yoongi doesn't know if it's the right decision to go see him. To fetch Jimin's best friend, especially because the latter isn't very fond of him. It seems like he's waiting for him to make a mistake around Jimin. And now Yoongi did make one.

Thinking about the way he possibly reacts makes him nervous. He doesn't want to lose Jimin, not after he just got him back. Not after going through this.

The rational part of his brain knows that having Taehyung around after the traumatizing experience could help Jimin. Taehyung's someone he has known for years, someone who isn't involved in the mafia business and most important, someone he feels safe with. Yoongi doesn't know if Jimin still finds his safe haven in his arms. He doesn't know anything.

That's the worst part.

Taehyung is the only one Jimin truly trusts and right now, he needs someone like that. An outsider, a person who can distract Jimin and help him get over what happened.

Yoongi's hands shake as he pulls up to Taehyung's driveway. Jimin told him how protective his best friend is, how mad he was when Yoongi left him alone all these weeks ago. Yoongi inhales shakily as he marches up to the front door. Now or never. He rings the doorbell.

Exactly two minutes later, Yoongi is counting every second, Taehyung opens the door. His hair is all over the place, movements sluggish as if he's just woken up from slumber. "Yoongi, is that you? What the fuck are you doing here?" Taehyung's confused and sleepy voice snaps the mafia leader from his thoughts and he realizes for the first time that it's way past midnight.

"I apologize for coming here in the middle of the night, Taehyung. Something has happened to Jimin and he needs you." Yoongi tries to keep his voice as soft as he can manage to not freak Taehyung out. "What are you talking about? It's the middle of the night," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

It's silent for a few seconds and Taehyung suddenly feels sick to his stomach. "Yoongi, what's going on?" Yoongi feels like he might throw up. "W-What? Yoongi, what the fuck happened? What do you mean Jimin needs me? Talk to me!" His mind is running wild, one second thinking that Jimin might be sick again, another one thinking that something terrible happened to him, like an accident of some sort.

"Jimin needs you when he wakes up. I will explain everything once we get back to the mansion–" Taehyung's heart drops.

Yoongi sees the color draining from Taehyung's face. If he hasn't before, the student looks awake now. "When he wakes up? What do you mean by that?" Taehyung's voice shakes in terror. "W-What happened?"

Once again, Yoongi's throat closes up. He doesn't know what to tell him. How to tell him that his best friend drowned. How to tell him that it was all his fault and how to explain everything without Taehyung calling the police on him.

What if Jimin hates him, is afraid of him again and leaves him after he wakes up anyway? Fear surges through Yoongi's veins at that thought and memories from the past hour race through his mind. He felt like he was dying, too when Jimin wasn't breathing.

"There was an incident and Jimin got hurt. I will explain everything once we are back at the mansion, but I promise that Jimin's all right." Taehyung nods softly, hesitant. "I thought you would like to see him. Come, I will drive."

It takes around fifteen minutes until Yoongi pulls up to his mansion again. He swallows thickly. Taehyung's been fiddling with the sleeve of his sweater for the entire ride, biting down on his lip. He looks anxious, face still ashen.

"We're here–" Yoongi doesn't get to finish his sentence. "Where is he?" Taehyung's voice is thick with fear.

"Upstairs. He's sleeping–" Taehyung cuts him off again. "I want to see him. Right now."

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