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Mentions of death threats, minor character death and child abuse. Proceed with caution.

"Jimin needs to know what's going on. It's getting too dangerous. I know you deeply care about him, so please, please tell him the truth."

They're still in the hospital room, the words written on the sticky note replaying in their heads. Especially Yoongi's. "I know. I will tell him tonight.", he replies quietly, his face void of any emotion.
"I'm sure he's going to understand eventually.", Hoseok mumbles. "I'll take my leave.", Yoongi says, exiting the room without another word.

With a soft sigh, Jin massages his temples before walking over to Namjoon, gently running his fingers through the hacker's hair. "Let's go too, Joonie needs rest.", he then mumbles, giving Hoseok a small smile before leaving the room together with him.
The words leave a bitter taste behind.

After Jungkook and Jimin walked around in the huge garden, they sat down on a small bench outside, enjoying the wind rushing through their hair.
"Would you like to try skating? I have a skateboard somewhere.", Jungkook suggests. Jimin laughs before pinching Jungkook's cheeks. "Sure, why not. It's been years since I've last been on a skateboard, I don't think I'll even be able to stand on it.", he giggles.

Still wearing a smile on his face, because he really enjoys Jungkook's company, the younger male leans back, letting the memories of the past days cross his mind. It's been so beautiful here and Jimin feels very comfortable. Although he was off to a rocky start with Hoseok and Namjoon, the two don't seem so unfriendly after all. He's confident that they're going to warm up to him eventually.

Sudden noises rip him from his thoughts and he looks around, flinching when he sees a strange man approaching him with quick steps. "Sir, I have a message for the boss. Everything is going according to the plan. We will receive the supplies in a few days, my team will notify you again. Please pass the message to the boss.", the man states.

And before Jimin gets a chance to speak up, the man leaves as quickly as he appeared.

Confused, Jimin looks after the man, seeing him vanish in the bushes like a professional. Only now, he realizes that the man had a gun with him, the realization makes Jimin gulp. "Hyung! What happened?", Jungkook exclaims all of a sudden, rushing to the smaller male's side, having seen the man vanish in the bushes.

"Uh, I don't know. He said something about the boss? And that some supplies will be here in a few days. And then, he left again.", Jimin mumbles, shrugging. Jungkook's eyes widen and he releases a distressed sigh, massaging his temples.

This wasn't supposed to happen. If only he hadn't left. Yoongi's going to kill him.

"Something wrong?", Jimin asks, not expecting Jungkook to get so upset. With a shake of his head, Jungkook denies Jimin's question and brings his skateboard into Jimin's field of vision. He needs to change the topic, Jimin can't get suspicious.

"It looks so nice! Did you spray paint it by yourself?" The maknae nods excitedly, grabbing Jimin's hand and leading him back to the driveway in the garden. "Get onto the board and take my hand.", Jungkook mumbles, giggling when Jimin attempts to stand onto the board and loses his balance instantly.

"Move a bit more forward, yes perfect.", Jungkook advises him, smiling when Jimin finally stands on the board without losing his balance.

They continue for quite a while until Yoongi approaches them, smiling when he hears Jimin laughing. He loses his balance and uses Jungkook to support himself, resulting in him landing in Jungkook's arms.

However, Yoongi's smile falters when Jungkook gives him an alarmed look before helping Jimin get up again. "A man approached him earlier, said something about supplies that will be here in a few days.", the youngest repeats Jimin's words once Yoongi approaches them. "Maybe he had the wrong address, I don't know anything about-" he adds, feeling Jimin's curious gaze on them.

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