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Mentions of violence and character death.

With a loud thud, Mingyu is thrown in front of Hoseok and Jackson's feet. "Is it really him?" Jackson nods once, immediately grabbing the man by his collar. "Who sent you? Who the fuck sent you you to feed me lies?!" The sudden angry tone in his voice makes even Yoongi's men shiver slightly.

"N-No one! I was telling the truth—"
Hoseok throws the first punch to his face. "Jackson gave you a chance to speak. I think you know what comes next." Hoseok whispers and pulls his taser out.

Choi Mingyu, the man that attacked Yoongi in Jimin's apartment and the man that told Jackson that Yoongi was the one to kill Mark. After releasing him, Mingyu used Yoongi's DNA to his advantage and as his proof that Yoongi tried killing him. It played right into his story as a witness of Mark's murder.

All of it is a lie. A twisted game.

Mingyu lies on the floor, when Yoongi and Namjoon enter the basement. There's blood smeared all over his face. His hands are shaking in exhaustion, his entire body feeling like it's on fire. He can't hold on for any longer. The truth will be exposed soon.

Hoseok crouches down beside the injured male, playing with his taser. "Round six is up. Are you still trying to keep quiet? You're at your limit. Tell us what you know and I'll stop. It's that simple," he whispers, poking one of the man's bruises. Mingyu whimpers, stubbornly turning his face away.

Jackson watches the scene silently, juggling with his gun as he impatiently bounces with his leg. He wants answers. They're so close to finding out the truth.

So close to finding out who killed the love of his life.

"We'll get answers in no time. He still has three more rounds until I reach my new personal record," Hoseok states and charges at the man with full power, his screams ringing through the room.

"Did you find any–" Hoseok asks but Mingyu finally breaks his silence, words piercing through everyone's ears. "I-It's Wang S-Suk! He orchestrated all of this!
He wanted to see you destroying each other. He killed Mark. He invited him for dinner and poisoned him!"

A shiver runs down Jackson's spine.
Then, there's blind rage running through his veins. He stands up and punches Mingyu across the face. "You liar! How dare you lie to us! How dare you pull my father–" Namjoon holds him back, exchanging an urgent look with Yoongi. "Jackson, calm down. We need to take everyone into consideration—" Yoongi starts but realizes his wrong choice of words instantly.

"He's my fucking father!"

The room grows silent, Hoseok confusedly looking between Jackson and his family, not able to read the look in their eyes. That's never a good sign.

"Look, let's just calm down and go up to the meeting room. Mingyu won't be of much help," Namjoon suggests, glancing at the unconscious man on the floor. "He might be not in his right mind because of the torture," Jungkook mumbles, unsure.

Jackson's chest heaves up and down, his eyes dark and brows furrowed. Namjoon grips his gun just in case.

"Maybe, but the pain should force you to confess the truth. It always has." Jackson shakes with rage, heading out the door without another word.

Five minutes later they're all back upstairs in the meeting room. Jackson is completely silent, leaning against the wall in the very corner of the room.
Jimin comes in at last, having been woken up by the commotion late at night, immediately freezing upon the sight of blood on Hoseok's hands. Yoongi notices his discomfort and soothingly rubs over his back.

The silence feels suffocating. Jimin feels out of place? intimidated by the harsh stares and the tense stance of their team. Jackson taps with his foot impatiently, eventually speaking up first. "What did you find back at your father's house?"

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