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Ever since Jackson attempted to take his life, he's been staying in the hospital wing for recovery. Physically, he's going to be okay if he eats proper meals and tries to get a good amount of sleep every night.

The real problem is psychological and even if he gets over Mark's death, some scars will remain.

Life is supposed to go on, but for Jackson, it's like it all stopped. He knows he needs to move on. Mark is gone and he will never come back. No matter how hard it is to accept the truth.

Yoongi and Jimin have been talking. In the past days, they spent hours arguing about the latter's former captor both concluding that although Jackson hurt Jimin, he deserves to know what happened to Mark and who's responsible for his death.

And despite the fury burning inside of him Yoongi's ready to keep his promise.

The promise to help Jackson find Mark's murderer.
The one that might lead him to the person that tried to hurt Jimin. There's still someone out there willing to hurt the person who means most to him.

"We've got one single lead. The bullet."

Namjoon huffs, stance defensive. He keeps a close eye on Jackson, never adverting his gaze for more than a few seconds. Yoongi can only share the grudge his right man holds. He feels on edge, heart rate picking up whenever Jimin stands a bit too close to the man who nearly killed him, whenever he treats the man's cuts and bruises as if nothing's ever happened.

"And yet you cannot remember its origin." Hoseok sends Namjoon a warning glare, his brows furrowed at the animosity in his voice.

Jimin chews on his bottom lip. Jackson's presence does make him a bit nervous, but right now Namjoon's way more intimidating. He can't turn his back on a man who lost the love of his life so suddenly and so tragically. No matter what he's done.

Jimin has forgiven him, or at least is on the way there.

Jackson deserves to know what happened. To make peace. To move on.

"We've got nothing so far apart from this fucking bullet that pierced my shoulder and a claim from a pathetic fuck-up. That was enough to convince you to–"

"My father will know." All heads snap back to Yoongi. "I've been wanting to visit him anyway." Jackson seems fairly grateful for the interruption, yet he doesn't dare to meet Yoongi's gaze.

"Jungkook and Namjoon, you'll come with me. We'll go first thing tomorrow...get this over with." Jungkook nods firmly. "Thank you–" Jackson says but Namjoon's already on his way out and slams the door shut.

There's a tense silence for a moment until Jackson tries once more, having found his voice again. "Thank you, really, Yoongi ssi. Please let me know what you need," he whispers. When he's done he raises his head, still looking a bit too pale for Yoongi's liking.

"You're going with Hoseok. Track Choi down."

"He should rest," Jimin says. "You're still weak." His tone is soft with Jackson, also too much for Yoongi's liking. "No, I-I cannot rest while Mark's murderer is out on the loose." Jimin frowns, about to protest.
"I'll bring you to your room." Jin seemingly appears out of nowhere, slipping between Jimin and Jackson without raising too much attention to it. "I made you something to eat. Rest up for today at least."

Jackson moves sluggishly, nodding his head like a robot. It irritates Yoongi, worries him somewhere deep and hidden inside him.

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