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This chapter contains strong violence.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Lee. When can I expect the delivery?", Yoongi asks, shaking hands with the known businessman in front of him.

A chuckle passes Mr. Lee's lips and the man glances over to one of his bodyguards who gives him a small nod. "As soon as I've returned home safely, I will set the contract in action." With a firm nod, Yoongi shows the man that he agrees. "My men will make sure that everything goes smoothly. It was an honor to negotiate with you, Mr. Lee.", the mafia leader adds, a smile on his face as he bows to the businessman.

The man tightens his grip on Yoongi's hand and looks right into Yoongi's brown orbs. "The honor was all mine, Mr. Min."And with that, the man steps out of his mansion, followed by his bodyguards.

"Do you think we'll have the weapons by tomorrow?", Hoseok asks curiously, placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. The mafia leader looks at Mr. Lee for another moment before speaking up. "Either those or his head." "Damn, you're friendly today.", Jin states the obvious, a chuckle escaping his lips when Yoongi doesn't reply and instead picks up his buzzing phone.

It's Jimin. He wants to know how his thumb is doing after the tiny accident yesterday. Yoongi can't help but scoff, a weak smile creeping onto his face.

Suddenly, his heart rate picks up as he thinks back to yesterday's events, especially the moment where his hands were wrapped around Jimin's waist and where the smaller male buried his face in his chest.

Seconds later, the mafia leader pulls himself together and the smile vanishes from his face, much to the disappointment of Jin who observes the change in Yoongi's demeanor with curious eyes. "Hyung! We have an emergency!" Jungkook's serious voice snaps Jin and Yoongi out of their stance, both turning their heads towards the maknae who runs up to them. As soon as Jungkook arrives next to them, he shoves his phone in their faces, showing a video clip.

It's CCTV footage of one of their bases. The atmosphere in the room grows heavy. Yoongi stares at the footage, not trusting his eyes when he sees Mr. Hwang, a food supplier of theirs, breaking in and stealing a great amount of money. The man has two kids and a wife, is being paid nicely and still dares to break into Yoongi's base? They're already dealing with Mr. Choi's case; they don't have the capacity for more bullshit like this.

Yoongi tenses up, replaying the clip to make sure his eyes aren't playing any tricks on him. "How much did he steal?" Jungkook gulps at Yoongi's question, glancing at Namjoon. "300'000." The mafia leader's eyes darken. "Bring him in and get me the money back.", Yoongi orders, everyone springing into action upon seeing the furious look in their leader's eyes.

A frustrated sigh goes past his lips after everyone left and he runs a hand through his hair before stomping upstairs. Right when he grabs his gun, Namjoon bursts into the room. "This bastard bought a gun and spent the rest of it on something I can't identify even after hacking into his account. We're not going to get the money back easily.", he states quickly, anger written all over his face. Yoongi scoffs, clenching his hands into fists. "Where are his wife and children?" An evil smirk settles on Namjoon's face and Yoongi chuckles. Namjoon never fails to make him proud.

Twenty minutes later, everyone stands in front of a warehouse, the traitor's location. After glancing at Jungkook and Namjoon who walk in front of him, clearing the way, he licks his lips and motions for the two to walk in. The tension is very high, the warehouse completely silent. At Yoongi's sign, the maknae and the hacker enter quietly, loading their weapons. Hoseok walks past Yoongi as well, turning right while the other two males turn left.

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