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This chapter mentions kidnapping, gore, minor character death and violence.

The room is dimly lit and looks abandoned. Chairs, ripped clothes and chains lay scattered on the floor. It's truly not a nice sight. Anyone would feel intimidated or at least very uncomfortable by the room, especially if they need to stay there.

Slowly, the camera angle changes and there's a young man, curled up on the ground. Hands tied and bruised from countless attempts to free himself. Eyes shut. He'd almost look peaceful if it weren't for the bruises and cuts littering his face. There's blood, too.

"Oh, god. Jimin–" Jin whispers, eyes not leaving the screen. "Drive faster, Jungkook," Namjoon demands, hesitating to look into Yoongi's eyes. "Is it this bad?" Jungkook asks quietly, unable to look at the screen while he's driving. He's not sure if he even wants to if he had the chance. "He isn't moving, I hope he's just asleep. H-He clearly got beaten," Jin explains, feeling tears well up in him which he quickly gulps back down. Now isn't the time for tears.

Shakily, Jungkook nods and stares at the GPS. "It won't be long, I promise."

Yoongi stares at Jimin's motionless figure. Jackson's going to feel his wrath. He's going to kill him, give him the most painful death of all. Although anger has the upper hand, there's a part inside of him that's terrified. His heart aches at the bruises and cuts on Jimin's beautiful face. He doesn't want to think about what he had to go through. It only makes him angrier.

Angry at himself. How could he let this happen? How could he let Jimin get taken?

"Yoongi?" Namjoon interrupts Yoongi's deep thoughts and the mafia leader raises his head. "We'll be there in one or two minutes. Our men have already started approaching the warehouse, but they didn't see anyone outside of the warehouse," he reports, but Yoongi cuts him off before he's finished.

"They're waiting for us."
Namjoon exchanges a look with Jin. "What's your order, boss?" Yoongi clenches his gun, gritting his teeth in rage. "They're going to continue driving towards the warehouse, but I want a report immediately if anything or anyone moves. Tell them to wait for my signal to attack." Namjoon repeats the order in his earpiece.

The car turns silent. Everyone's thinking about the plan, going through various scenarios in their head while hoping that everything's going to go according to plan. Losing Jimin isn't an option. They're all willing to do everything to get him out of there.

Slowly, the car comes to a stop behind the trees and everyone looks up to see the big warehouse, about hundred meters in front of them. "Our men are nearing the warehouse. Two men from Jackson have noticed them, though nothing happened yet."
They get out of the car. Everyone is tense, they're so close to the warehouse, so close to Jimin.

And still, the danger is greater than ever.

Meanwhile, Jimin's eyes slowly flutter open and he fights to regain consciousness. Too weak to move, he simply stays on the cold floor and lets fresh tears gather in his eyes. His head aches terribly. It's a concussion for sure. He hopes he's not bleeding anymore. Sniffling, Jimin attempts to touch his head and immediately winces when he comes in contact with it. There's another wave of pain.

It's quiet, too quiet for Jimin's liking. He feels so alone, so helpless and so scared. Scared that he's going to die. He knows that crying won't bring him anywhere and that he should remain calm, but it just doesn't work for him. His breathing picks up and Jimin can't help but let a sob go pass his lips, shakily bringing his hands up to his face.

Minutes of complete silence except for his heavy breathing go by, but he can't calm himself. His breathing is wheezy and he desperately tries to breathe in through his nose and breathe out through his mouth, counting up to five or at least three seconds until each next breath. He's squeezed his eyes shut as he tries to focus on his breathing, but Jackson's angry and insane eyes don't leave his mind.

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